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Fair Shot for All


Coalition of Left-Leaning Oregon Groups



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Fair Shot for All is a coalition of more than 30 organizations in Oregon that promotes left-of-center public policies in the Oregon legislature. Founded in 2015, Fair Shot for All primarily pushes legislation in support of left-of-center policies on labor, abortion, LGBT issues, and race. 1

Fair Shot for All has supported Oregon legislation expanding abortion access, increasing the minimum wage to nearly double the federal minimum, increasing government healthcare spending, expanding government-controlled retirement savings programs, and limiting employers from asking about criminal history on job applications. 1


Fair Shot for All is a coalition of left-of-center advocacy organizations founded in 2015. The coalition’s launch coincided with the release of a report by the University of Oregon’s Labor Education and Research Center entitled “The High Cost of Low Wages.” The report claimed that too many people in Oregon were working for minimum wage and argued that if the minimum wage was not increased, Oregon would experience a financial crisis. 2

The Fair Shot for All coalition includes a number of left-of-center, Oregon-based advocacy organizations. The Oregon-based organizations include Causa Oregon, Family Forward Oregon, the Oregon Latino Health Coalition, Oregon National Organization for Women, and Unite Oregon. The coalition also includes a number of Oregon chapters of national labor unions, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Oregon, the Oregon AFL-CIO, AFSCME Council 75, the Oregon Education Association, the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Student Association, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). 3

The Fair Shot for All coalition also includes Oregon affiliates of national left-of-center advocacy organizations, including the Bus Project, Coalition of Communities of Color, Forward Together, Health Care for All, NARAL Pro-Choice America’s chapter in Oregon, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, Portland Jobs with Justice, and the YWCA. 3


Fair Shot for All has been active in pushing left-of-center legislation through the Oregon legislature. The coalition has supported a number of labor regulations in the state, including bills requiring employers to offer paid sick leave, banning questions about criminal history on job applications, and expanding Oregon’s government-controlled retirement savings system. 4

Fair Shot for All has also been involved in implementing left-of-center criminal justice policies, including the hiring or more public defenders and the passage of bills to prevent alleged racial profiling by the police. 3

Aside from criminal justice, Fair Shot for All has pushed for left-of-center legislation on a number of other social issues, including bills to ban supposedly “no-cause” evictions, implement rent controls, and expand public abortion funding for non-Oregon residents who cross state lines to receive abortions. 5

Fair Shot for All has faced controversy due to its affiliation with pro-abortion organizations, such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL. The Community Alliance for Tenants in Portland lost all funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development after the Archdiocese of Portland stepped in and demanded that funding be stopped due to the Alliance’s affiliation with pro-abortion groups through Fair Shot for All. 6


  1. Our Story. Fair Shot for All. Accessed November 21, 2020. http://www.fairshotoregon.org/story
  2. Press Release. “Announcing Fair Shot for All Coalition.” Family Forward Oregon. January 9, 2015. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://familyforwardoregon.org/2015/01/announcing-fair-shot-for-all-coalition/
  3. Fair Shot for All Letter. Oregon State Legislature. March 19, 2019. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/CommitteeMeetingDocument/176779
  4. Partners Spotlight: Fair Shot for All. Northwest Health Foundation. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://www.northwesthealth.org/partner-spotlights/2015/7/7/partner-spotlight-fair-shot-for-all
  5. “Oregon Labor Gearing Up for High Stakes Legislative Session.” Northwest Labor Press. December 14, 2016. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://nwlaborpress.org/2016/12/oregon-labor-gearing-up-for-high-stakes-legislative-session/
  6. Langlois, Ed. “Catholic Grants for Community Alliance of Tenants Put on Hold.” Catholic Sentinel. December 13, 2018. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://www.catholicsentinel.org/Content/News/Local/Article/Catholic-grants-for-Community-Alliance-of-Tenants-put-on-hold/2/35/36930
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