Other Group

Climate Policy Radar




Community Interest Company


Sustainable County Hall, 3rd Floor, Westminster Bridge Road

London, United Kingdom

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Climate Policy Radar is a left-of-center private company organized as a Community Interest Company and based in London, England. The organization uses artificial intelligence and data science to track treaties, law, and other environmental policies across the globe. 1

Climate Policy Radar receives funding from several left-of-center foundations, including the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the Bezos Earth Fund. 2


Climate Policy Radar uses artificial intelligence to create datasets and conduct research. The organization uses machine learning models to automatically extract and compile laws, treaties, and other government documents, and it also uses machine learning to identify links across different documents. 1

Climate Policy Radar partners with the Grantham Research on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics on the Climate Change Laws of the World database, which tracks environmental law and policies both internationally and domestically. 3


From April 2021 to May 2022, Climate Policy Radar had £526,304 (approximately $663,000) in gross profit and £712,766 (approximately $898,000) in total cash on hand. 4

Corporate Structure

Climate Policy Radar is organized as a Community Interest Company registered in the United Kingdom, meaning the organization is a “private company limited by guarantee without share capital.” 5


Climate Policy Radar receives funding form several left-of-center foundations, including Quadrature, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Subak, Personio Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the Bezos Earth Fund. 2

Climate Policy Radar also partners with other research organizations, including the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Climate Parliament, World Bank, University College London, and the London School of Economics. 6


  1.  “Data science and AI.” Climate Policy Radar. Accessed January 21, 2024. https://climatepolicyradar.org/what-we-do#offering.
  2. “Our Funders.” Climate Policy Radar. Accessed January 21, 2024. https://climatepolicyradar.org/about#funders.
  3.  “Climate Policy Radar and Grantham Research Institute launch revamped research and policy resource.” London School of Economics. Accessed January 24, 2024. https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/news/climate-policy-radar-and-grantham-research-institute-launch-revamped-research-and-policy-resource/.
  4. “Unaudited Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for the Period Ended 31 May 2022.” Climate Policy Radar. Accessed January 21, 2024. URL
  5. “Climate Policy Radar CIC.” Companies House. Accessed January 21, 2024. https://resources.companieshouse.gov.uk/serviceInformation.shtml#compInfo.
  6. “Our Partners.” Climate Policy Radar. Accessed January 21, 2024. https://climatepolicyradar.org/about#funders.
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