Unite the Country Now (UCN) is the nonprofit offshoot of the left wing “super” political action committee (PAC) Unite the Country. 1 Allies of President Joe Biden launched UCN in 2021 to promote and advance the Biden administration’s legislative agenda. 2
UCN’s advocacy campaigns target congressional Republicans and certain Democrats on legislative issues important to the Biden administration’s policy agenda. As a 501(c)(4) “dark money” organization, UCN has not committed to publicly release information on its donors. 3 4
Democratic Party political operatives Mark Doyle and Amanda Loveday incorporated UCN in June 2021. 5
History and Leadership
In June 2021, Unite the Country Now was incorporated in Washington, D.C., by Democratic Party operatives Mark Doyle and Amanda Loveday. 6
Amanda Loveday is the chief of staff of the left-wing super PAC associated with UCN, Unite the Country. 7 Previously Loveday was communications director for Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) 8 and executive director of the South Carolina Democratic Party. 9
Doyle chairs the board of Unite the Country. 10
Activities and Funding
Unite the Country Now is the nonprofit spinoff of the left-wing “super” political action committee (PAC) Unite the Country, which supported Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. 11
UCN’s activities target congressional Republicans and “tough-to-wrangle” Democrats on various issues important to the Biden administration legislative policy agenda. 12
Unite the Country Now is designed as a vehicle for top contributors to President Joe Biden’s campaign to directly support the Biden administration’s policy agenda. 13
As of July 2021, UCN has not determined whether or not it will disclose the identity of its donors, which it is not required to do so as a 501(c)(4) “dark money” organization. 14 Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.15
- Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.
- “Unite the Country Now.” Company Incorporation Data. Opencorporates. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_4301842.
- Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.
- Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.
- “Unite the Country Now.” Company Incorporation Data. Opencorporates. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_4301842.
- “Unite the Country Now.” Company Incorporation Data. Opencorporates. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_4301842.
- “Amanda Loveday.” LinkedIn Profile. Accessed July 11, 2021. https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-loveday-64225929/.
- Lovegrove, Jamie. “SC Democratic strategist to help direct new Joe Biden super PAC for 2020 race.” The Post and Courier. October 30, 2019. Updated September 14, 2020. Accessed July 11 ,2021. https://www.postandcourier.com/politics/sc-democratic-strategist-to-help-direct-new-joe-biden-super-pac-for-2020-race/article_57a31e84-fb2b-11e9-98c9-ff68ef86ceec.html.
- Hutchins, Corey. “S.C. Democratic Party director Amanda Loveday stepping down to work for Jim Clyburn. Charleston City Paper. February 11, 2014. Accessed July 11, 2021. https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/story/s-c-democratic-party-director-amanda-loveday-stepping-down-to-work-for-jim-clyburn.
- Greenwood, Max. “Super PAC backing Biden plots foray into early primary and caucus states.” The Hill. February 4, 2020. Accessed July 11, 2021. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/481482-super-pac-backing-biden-plots-foray-into-early-primary-and-caucus-states.
- Levy, Pema. “The 2020 Election Is Now About the Coronavirus. Here’s How Progressive Groups Plan to Win It.” Mother Jones. April 3, 2020. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/04/coronavirus-democratic-messaging/
- [1] Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.
- Markay, Lachlan. “Scoop: Biden allies launch new advocacy group.” Axios. June 29, 2021. Accessed July 9, 2021. https://www.axios.com/biden-allies-launch-advocacy-group-unite-country-now-7d78adde-afa0-4f87-a6ee-414dc0f9e019.html.