
Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation (SVLG Foundation)



San Jose, CA

Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2021):

Revenue: $806,871
Expenses: $812,782
Assets: $1,602,617


Fundraising Group



Executive Director:

Ahmad Thomas

Budget (2022):

Revenue: $560,372

Expenses: $460,361

Net Assets: $868,160 2

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The Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation (SVLG Foundation) is the foundation associated with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. The SVLG Foundation provides research on issues such as left-of-center racial activism, equity, the environment, energy, education, health care, land use, housing, and transportation. 1 2

The SVLG Foundation hosts three running events a year to raise money for local food banks, children’s charities, healthcare, and housing. The SVLG Foundation provides opportunities for community college students to achieve experience in local technology companies and assists in job placement. 1


Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation is part of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG). 1 The SVLG Foundation was founded in 2002 to work with local charities on issues that will help the Silicon Valley’s business climate and quality of life for workers. 2

While the Silicon Valley Leadership Group is a business association providing events, roundtables, working groups, and reports, the SVLG Foundation hosts events to raise money for local charities in the Silicon Valley area. 3


The Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life in the Silicon Valley region by raising and distributing funds for food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and other needs. 1 The SVLG Foundation also serves as a host for non-partisan research and public policy issues including left-of-center racial activism, the environment, education, energy, healthcare, housing, land use, and transportation. 1 SVLG Foundation focuses on providing assistance to charities, business and community leaders, and scholars. 1


Since 2005, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation has held the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot run that raises funds for local charitable organizations including the Healthier Kids Foundation, Housing Trust Silicon Valley, Health Trust, and Second Harvest of both Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz County. 1 Since inception, the race has raised more than $10 million. 1 The SVLG Foundation also conducts a Christmas run, the Santa Run Silicon Valley, in San Jose and the Lam Research Heart and Soles Run in Santa Clara County benefiting children’s health and wellness nonprofits. 1 Combined, these events have raised over $1.2 million. 1

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation founded a program in 2018 called “Hire Learning” to provide community college students exposure to learning and hiring opportunities in Silicon Valley. 1 The program works with Silicon Valley Leadership Group member companies, community colleges, and similar nonprofits to provide students real world experiences, expand interest in STEM work, and provides career opportunities with companies in Silicon Valley. 1


In 2022, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation reported net assets of $868,160. 2 According to the organization’s tax returns, in 2022 SVLG Foundation recorded $560,372 in revenue and $460,361 in expenses. 2 In 2021, SVLG Foundation raised $806,871 in revenue and $812,782 in expenses. 4


Ahmad Thomas has been CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and executive director of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation since 2020. 5 Prior to joining SVLG Foundation, Thomas was an investment banker at Barclays from 2010 to 2020. 6 From 2005 until 2010, Thomas was a senior aide to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). 7 Since 2021, Thomas has donated at least $9,500 to Democratic candidates in California. 8


  1. “The SVLG Foundation.” Silicon Valley Leadership Group. Accessed April 27, 2024.
  2. Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation, Return of a Nonprofit Corporation (Form 990), 2022.
  3. “Events.” Silicon Valley Leadership Group. Accessed April 27, 2024.; “The SVLG Foundation.” Silicon Valley Leadership Group. Accessed April 27, 2024.
  4.  Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation, Return of a Nonprofit Corporation (Form 990), 2021.
  5. “Ahmad Thomas.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 27, 2024.; Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation, Return of a Nonprofit Corporation (Form 990), 2022.
  6. “Ahmad Thomas.” Silicon Valley Leadership Group. Accessed April 27, 2024; “Ahmad Thomas.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 27, 2024.
  7. “Ahmad Thomas.” LinkedIn. Accessed April 27, 2024.
  8. Center for Responsive Politics. “Ahmad Thomas.” March 22, 2021. Accessed April 27, 2024.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: May 1, 2002

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2021 Dec Form 990 $806,871 $812,782 $1,602,617 $834,469 N $906,255 $0 $116 $0
    2020 Dec Form 990 $2,794,579 $2,702,896 $1,879,790 $1,105,731 N $2,794,940 $0 $317 $0
    2019 Dec Form 990 $1,205,662 $1,110,605 $1,847,875 $1,165,499 N $1,179,451 $0 $619 $0 PDF
    2018 Dec Form 990 $1,278,313 $1,146,407 $1,781,459 $1,194,140 N $1,304,254 $0 $588 $0 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990 $1,397,141 $1,432,266 $1,797,796 $1,342,383 N $1,327,464 $0 $413 $0
    2016 Dec Form 990 $1,603,835 $1,746,725 $1,948,051 $1,457,513 N $1,530,533 $0 $554 $0 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $1,570,059 $1,622,369 $2,053,874 $1,420,446 N $1,545,078 $0 $806 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $2,071,985 $2,124,020 $2,502,501 $2,048,749 N $1,809,451 $0 $1,590 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $1,306,670 $1,482,373 $1,979,466 $1,473,679 N $1,065,416 $0 $2,623 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $1,964,614 $2,051,281 $2,259,880 $1,578,390 N $1,737,505 $0 $1,570 $0 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $1,347,345 $1,328,178 $1,364,911 $722,713 N $1,188,455 $0 $2,248 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation (SVLG Foundation)

    2460 North First Street
    San Jose, CA 95110-1031