
March for Life Action



Washington, DC

Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:






Principal Officer:

Jeanne Mancini

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

March for Life Action is an advocacy organization that supports pro-life policies at both the state and federal level. 1

March for Life Education and Defense Fund is the 501(c)(3) sister organization of March for Life Action. 1


March for Life Action was established in 2016 to expand the influence of the annual March for Life pro-life rally, which is held every January. March for Life Action advocates for public policies that support pro-life beliefs, such as the dignity of the unborn and women’s health and safety, and restrict abortion. 1

March for Life Action is a nonpartisan organization that claims Democratic politicians are largely out of touch with mainstream America, citing the Democratic National Committee’s staunch pro-abortion platform, which includes taxpayer funded on-demand abortions available at any time during pregnancy. March for Life Action supports keeping the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits directly funding abortion through Medicaid using taxpayer dollars, the repeal of which is supported by many pro-abortion organizations and advocates. 1

March for Life Action provides resources on its website to help individuals become more effective citizen advocates for pro-life legislation and to better educate others about life issues. Among these resources are downloadable graphics with data from a 2016 Knights of Columbus Marist Poll that showed widespread support for restrictions on abortion and opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion. 2 March for Life Action’s “Capital [sic] Hill 101” booklet includes information on contacting legislators, etiquette for meeting with members of Congress, explanations about the key staff in Congressional offices, and how a bill becomes a law. 3

March for Life Action keeps track of the Biden administration by providing profiles detailing the backgrounds of President Biden’s nominees, especially as it relates to abortion. These profiles include details on each nominee’s stance on issues like Roe v. Wade, health care, conscience protections, funding Planned Parenthood, taxpayer funded abortion, protecting women and the unborn, partial-birth abortion, the liberalization of America, the Center for American Progress, and controversies. As of April 2023, profiles that were posted included members of the Biden Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services, including Xavier Becerra, Rachel Levine, and Andrea Palm. 4


March for Life Action became a nonprofit organization in 2014 and since then has been filing the annual e-Postcard tax return, reporting less than $50,000 in revenue annually. 5


As of 2023, Jeanne Mancini was listed as the principal officer of March for Life Action. 6 Mancini is also the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund and formerly worked at the Family Research Council and the Department of Health and Human Services. 7

Tim Saccoccia was on the board of March for Life Action is the chair of the board of March for Life Education and Defense Fund. Saccoccia formerly worked as senior policy director at the Knights of Columbus. 8


  1. “Official Launch of March for Life Action.” March for Life. Accessed April 11, 2023.
  2. “Educational Resources.” March for Life Action. Accessed April 17, 2023.
  3. “Capital Hill 101.” March for Life Action. Accessed April 17, 2023.
  4. The Biden Administration.” March for Life Action. Accessed April 17, 2023.
  5. “March for Life.” Internal Revenue Service. Accessed April 11, 2023.
  6.  “March for Life.” Guidestar. Accessed April 17, 2023.
  7. “Jeanne Mancini.” Focus on the Family. Accessed April 11, 2023.
  8. “The March for Life Announces New Chairman of the Board.” March for Life, March 18, 2021. Accessed April 11, 2023.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: October 1, 2014

  • Available Filings

    No filings available.

    March for Life Action

    1012 14TH ST NW STE 300
    Washington, DC 20005-3474