
Feminist Majority Foundation



Arlington, VA

Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2021):

Revenue: $5,453,016
Expenses: $5,332,815
Assets: $4,526,334


Feminist Organization




Eleanor Smeal

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Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) is a left-of-center organization that supports access to abortion for all women and girls, opposes parental consent for minors seeking abortions, and supports broader left-of-center policies including affirmative action, combatting global warming, fully government-funded public college education, canceling student debt, expanded union powers, universal health insurance, and prohibitions on gerrymandering. The Feminist Majority Foundation seeks ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment without reference to time restrictions on its enactment.


Feminist Majority Foundation was founded in 1987 to create research, educational programs, and strategies for advancing feminist causes, reduce violence toward women, and eliminate discrimination. 1


Feminist Majority Foundation supports access to abortion for all women and girls, opposes parental consent for minors seeking abortions, and supports broader left-of-center policies including affirmative action, combatting global warming, fully government-funded public college education, canceling student debt, expanded union powers, universal health insurance, and prohibitions on gerrymandering. 2 The Feminist Majority Foundation opposes legislation barring natal males from playing girls’ sports. 3

FMF opposes parental consent and notification laws for minors seeking abortions. 4 FMF runs an Adopt-A-Clinic program seeking feminist college campus organizations to adopt an abortion clinic and protect it from pro-life protestors, raise staff and patient morale, and attract local media attention to abortion access. 5 Feminist Majority Foundation calls on campus feminist organizations to “expose fake clinics” that counsel pregnant women on pro-life or neutral choices. 5

FMF supported President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive student loan debt It also supported the U.S. rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, supported New Jersey’s requirement to teach global warming in K-12 curriculum, advocated that COVID-19 may be the first of many pandemics if global warming isn’t addressed, and opposed the Supreme Court decision allowing a baker to refuse to produce a customized cake for a same-sex wedding. 6


Feminist Majority Foundation’s sister organizations include the Feminist Majority Political Action Committee, Feminist Campus Student Network, Ms. Magazine, Girls Learn International, and Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan. 7 FMF runs Vote Feminist, which distributes state voting guides and information for student voting. 8

Feminist Majority Foundation supports ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). 9 In 2020, Virginia became the 38th state needed for ratification of the ERA, but courts have ruled that the ratification deadline has passed and only Congress can remove the deadline. 9  FMF continues to seek Congress’ removal of the ratification deadline. 9

In 1989, the Feminist Majority Foundation launched the National Clinic Defense Project to counteract pro-life demonstrators and provide training on clinic and staff safety. 10 This project provides clinics pro bono legal services, security assessments and training, and media outreach efforts. 10


In 2021, the Feminist Majority Foundation had net assets of $3,936,011. 11 According to the organization’s tax returns, in 2021 FMF recorded $5,453,016 in revenue and $5,332,815 in expenses. 11 In 2020, the Feminist Majority Foundation raised $6,587,541 in revenue and $6,094,004 in expenses. 12


Eleanor Smeal has been co-founder and president of Feminist Majority Foundation since the organization’s inception in 1987. 13 Smeal was president of the National Organization for Women (NOW) from 1977-1982 and 1985-1987. 13

Under Smeal’s leadership, NOW organized protests against states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and authored an election handbook for liberal candidates. 13  Previously, Smeal was elected president of the Pennsylvania NOW organization in 1972. 13 Smeal has a MPA from the University of Florida and bachelor’s degree from Duke University. 13


  1. “1987-1989.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  2. “Mission and Principles.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  3. “Oppose H.R. 734 to Protect Civil Rights.” The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. March 27, 2023. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  4. “1990.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  5. “Abortion: Our Work.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  6. Levin, Sophia. “Biden-Harris Administration Forgives Student Debt for 804,000 Borrowers.” Feminist Majority Foundation. July 18, 2023. Accessed September 30, 2023.; Long, Corinne. “US Officially Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement.” Feminist Majority Foundation. February 19, 2021. Accessed September 30, 2023.; “New Jersey Becomes First State to Include Climate Change in Curriculum.” Feminist Majority Foundation. June 4, 2020. Accessed September 30, 2023.; “Pandemic Will Be First of Many if Climate Change is Not Addressed Immediately.” Feminist Majority Foundation. April 28, 2020. Accessed September 30, 2023.; Levin, Sophia. “Supreme Court Lets Businesses Discriminate Against A Protected Class for the First Time in History.” Feminist Majority Foundation. July 11, 2023. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  7. “Our Sister Sites.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  8. “What You Need to Know.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  9. “Equal Rights Amendment.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  10. “National Clinic Access Project.” Feminist Majority Foundation. Accessed September 30, 2023.
  11. Feminist Majority Foundation, Return of a Nonprofit Corporation (Form 990), 2021.
  12. Feminist Majority Foundation, Return of a Nonprofit Corporation (Form 990), 2020.
  13. Simmons, Matt. “On This Day: April 24, 1977, Mt. Lebanon Housewife Elected President of NOW.” WPXI. April 24, 2021. Accessed September 30, 2023.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: August 1, 1988

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2021 Dec Form 990 $5,453,016 $5,332,815 $4,526,334 $590,323 N $4,279,189 $1,167,290 $330 $554,852
    2020 Dec Form 990 $6,587,541 $6,094,004 $4,395,466 $579,623 N $4,121,546 $1,853,626 $174 $550,858
    2019 Dec Form 990 $12,379,635 $12,385,256 $3,780,719 $460,225 N $10,192,894 $1,882,965 $109 $550,858 PDF
    2018 Dec Form 990 $7,272,420 $7,227,441 $3,887,286 $558,693 N $5,582,536 $1,343,163 $121 $445,166 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990 $6,579,534 $6,466,218 $3,818,513 $534,868 N $4,669,022 $1,632,571 $129 $497,518 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990 $5,773,381 $5,626,447 $3,744,647 $544,213 N $3,908,642 $1,504,682 $78 $462,899 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $6,152,613 $6,077,509 $3,654,291 $756,144 N $4,491,894 $1,657,907 $63 $476,719 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $6,173,153 $6,265,880 $3,609,978 $779,406 N $4,871,604 $1,302,033 $65 $504,792 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $6,257,558 $6,230,555 $3,503,746 $580,371 N $4,955,616 $1,280,929 $50 $510,402 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $6,211,974 $6,010,703 $3,578,473 $680,977 N $4,560,851 $1,637,952 $540 $528,434 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $6,486,940 $6,196,314 $3,383,431 $686,720 N $5,110,002 $1,355,781 $37 $574,788 PDF
    2010 Dec Form 990 $7,268,005 $7,094,356 $3,042,163 $625,486 N $5,911,416 $1,271,480 $30 $562,923 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Feminist Majority Foundation

    1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 801
    Arlington, VA