About Face is an anti-war activist group whose members include United States military veterans against U.S. foreign and local policy. In 2018, members of the nonprofit attempted to disrupt a tour by former President George W. Bush to protest American foreign policy.
About Face is a coalition of military veterans from the Global War on Terror era who oppose foreign military intervention and the militarization of U.S police. 1
The group was originally formed in 2004 as Iraq Veterans Against the War, 2 an advocacy group of military veterans and active-duty personnel who opposed the Iraq War. 3
Claude Copeland is the president of About Face. 4
Oliver Valenzuela-Nettell, an Iraq War veteran, works as the campaign director at About Face. 5
John Motter serves on the board of About Face. John is one of the co-founders of Ground Game LA. 6
Shiloh Emelein, who identifies as a “queer, trans, non-binary creature,” has been the membership coordinator at About Face since 2018. 5
Clare Bayard is a board member of About Face. Clare has been working as a civilian supporter of the nonprofit since 2005. 6
Advocacy Efforts
About Face runs #DroptheMIC, a social media campaign on YouTube that claims to raise public awareness about the “dangers of the military-industrial complex.” 7
About Face advocates for structural policy changes including repealing the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force, banning campaign contributions from corporations that receive or seek federal government contracts, and restricting the use of the military on U.S. soil. 8
In 2018, About Face members attempted to disrupt a tour by former President George W. Bush by blocking the entrance to the Liberty Medal presentation ceremony at the National Constitution Center to protest American foreign policy. 9
About Face also collaborates with racial minority, LGBT, and femme members that claim to advocate in favor of opposing American foreign policy and “corporate war profiteering.” 5
During the Black Lives Matter movement protests in Summer 2020, over 700 veterans signed an open letter urging National Guard troops to stand down and refrain from assisting in suppressing the protests. 10
On August 28, 2021, About Face organized interstate rallies to pressure the Biden administration to extend refugee evacuation operations in Afghanistan until everyone wishing to leave has had the opportunity. 11
The nonprofit also offers a free three-week online course called “Militarism On Turtle Island,” which examines the historical relationship between Indigenous resistance and militarization in North America. 12
In 2023, About Face, ActionAid USA, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and Amnesty International USA were among more than 70 organizations that endorsed Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) resolution to block weapons sales used to fund Israel’s military operations in Gaza. 13
To advocate for a ceasefire and an end to Israel’s conflict in Gaza, members of About Face went to U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) office 14 and booed U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) for waving an Israeli flag. 15
In February 2024, About Face organized a protest in Portland, where U.S. veterans burned their uniforms in honor of Aaron Bushnell, the 25-year-old Airman from the U.S. Air Force who self-immolated in front of the Israeli Consulate in Washington, D.C., to protest the U.S. military’s involvement in the conflict in Gaza. 16
About Face expressed support on Twitter/X 17 for the Defense for Children International, a global nonprofit that advocates for children’s rights, by filing a lawsuit in U.S. federal court against President Joe Biden, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for failing to prevent and being complicit in the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza. 18
In 2020, About Face received $109,500 in donations from major organizations. They included the Fund to Build Grassroots Power, the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, the Schwab Charitable Fund, and the Solidaire Network. 19
The financial records of About Face reveal that in 2022, the nonprofit accrued expenses amounting to $268,753, while generating revenue of $218,940, with over 98% sourced from donations. 4
- “Who We Are.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/who-we-are/#:~:text=Originally%20formed%20in%202004%20as,wars%20that%20we%20served%20in.
- [1] “Who We Are.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/who-we-are/#:~:text=Originally%20formed%20in%202004%20as,wars%20that%20we%20served%20in.
- “Celebrating Peoples History: Iraq Veterans against the War – Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice.” Museum of Art, April 26, 2023. https://www.bates.edu/museum/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/celebrating-peoples-history-iraq-veterans-against-the-war-ten-years-of-fighting-for-peace-and-justice/.
- Guidestar. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://pdf.guidestar.org/PDF_Images/2022/541/660/2022-541660459-202331319349305353-9.pdf?_gl=1*1lpy5md*_gcl_au*MTAxODE0Mjk1Ny4xNzA0ODE3NDgy*_ga*NTM2ODAxMTI4LjE2OTU0MDA0MTY.*_ga_5W8PXYYGBX*MTcwNzk0NjYzMS4yMS4xLjE3MDc5NDY4MTkuMjkuMC4w.
- “Staff.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/who-we-are/staff/.
- “Board of Directors.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/who-we-are/board-of-directors/.
- “Drop the Mic Monday’s: Reflecting on Militarization of May.” YouTube, June 7, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZSQA9D2xQ.
- “Drop the MIC Campaign.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/drop-the-mic-campaign/.
- “Veterans Interrupt Bush Ceremony on Veterans Day: No Awards for Endless Wars: Yesterday Our Post 9/11 Veteran Members Disrupted the Awards Ceremony for George W. Bush and Let Him and His $1,000 per Plate Attendees Know That There…: By about Face: Veterans against the War.” Facebook. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://www.facebook.com/VetsAboutFace/videos/381269442414869/.
- Staff, About Face. “Vets Tell Troops to Stand down for Black Lives!” About Face, March 2, 2023. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/take-action-now-veterans-tell-troops-to-stand-down-for-black-lives/.
- Staff, About Face. “Take Action for Afghan Refugees.” About Face, March 2, 2023. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/take-action-for-afghan-refugees/.
- “Resources.” About Face. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://aboutfaceveterans.org/resources/.
- “Rep. Omar Introduces Resolution to Block Weapons Sale Used to Fund War Crimes in Gaza.” Representative Ilhan Omar, November 16, 2023. https://omar.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-omar-introduces-resolution-block-weapons-sale-used-fund-war-crimes-gaza.
- Irwin, Lauren. “Veterans Arrested for Protest in Sen. Gillibrand’s Office.” The Hill, November 10, 2023. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4303346-veterans-arrested-protest-sen-gillibrands-office/.
- Roche, Darragh. “John Fetterman Booed by Veterans during Israel Protest.” Newsweek, November 10, 2023. https://www.newsweek.com/john-fetterman-booed-veterans-during-israel-protest-1842609.
- Neeley, Lyn. “Portland Vigil for Aaron Bushnell – Veterans Protest Genocide, Burn Uniforms.” Workers World, March 18, 2024. https://www.workers.org/2024/03/77324/.
- #FreePalestine, AROC. “Power Hour: Tomorrow from 10am to 12pm the #BAYBRIDGE78 Need You to:☎️ Call @brookejenkinssf: (628) 652-4000call Script: Https://T.Co/bUBsPrpqdL 📮 Email @brookejenkinssf: Https://T.Co/N9dupftkoq 📢 Pack the Court Room Tomorrow (850 Bryant St)💬 Share This Widely! Pic.Twitter.Com/Rqub4jkxgq.” Twitter, December 22, 2023. https://twitter.com/AROCBayArea/status/1737996435373826451.
- “Defense for Children International-Palestine v. Biden.” United States Courts. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://www.uscourts.gov/cameras-courts/defense-children-international-palestine-v-biden.
- “About Face: Veterans against the War.” About Face: Veterans Against the War – GuideStar Profile. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://www.guidestar.org/profile/35-2314550.