Political Parties/527 (Page 6)

  • Political Party/527

    Fair Fight PAC

    The Fair Fight Political Action Committee (FFPAC) is a left-of-center national organization claiming to combat of purported voter suppression of minorities and people of color. 1 Critics allege it is a funding vehicle supporting
  • Political Party/527

    Fair Maps Nevada

    Fair Maps Nevada is a Nevada political action committee that has worked to create an independent redistricting commission in the state. 21 Founded by the
  • Political Party/527

    Fair Share Action

    Fair Share Action is the 527 super PAC affiliated with Fair Share Alliance and Fair Share Alliance Education Fund. It is associated with the Public Interest Network (though it is not a network member) and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG).
  • Political Party/527

    Fair Wisconsin PAC

    The Fair Wisconsin PAC is the funding arm of Fair Wisconsin, an LGBT advocacy group.
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    Fems for Dems

    Fems for Dems is a Michigan-based political action committee (PAC) that seeks elect Democratic candidates by advocating for issues related to women including healthcare and social equity. The group has a 501(c)(4) sister nonprofit organization, Fems for Democracy, that focuses on advocacy towards specific policy issues including women’s health,
  • Political Party/527

    Field Team 6

     Field Team 6 is a pro-Democratic Party get-out-the-vote group that seeks to register Democratic voters in 10 states to maintain Democratic control of the U.S. Congress. In the 2022 elections, the group is targeting California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The group is led
  • Political Party/527

    Final Five Fund Inc.

    Final Five Fund, Inc. is a political action committee that supports adopting ranked-choice voting systems across the country. It has funded groups that support ranked choice voting and all-party primaries in Nevada and New York state. Businesswoman Katherine Gehl founded the group and the voter advocacy group Institute for
  • Political Party/527

    First Ask of America (PAC)

    First Ask of America is a political action committee that was founded by A’shanti Gholar, a left-wing activist who has founded and directed several other political groups and organizations.60
  • Political Party/527

    Fix Congress Now

    Fix Congress Now (stylized Fix Congress Now!) is a super PAC founded in Denver, Colorado in 2019. The PAC is affiliated with Unite America, a national ostensibly bipartisan but functionally liberal-aligned organization pushing for left-of-center voter reform and “compromise” candidates in primary elections. As of 2020, Fix Congress Now
  • Political Party/527


    Flippable is a liberal electoral advocacy group founded by former campaigners for Hillary Clinton shortly after the 2016 election victory of President Donald Trump. Its targets Republican-held seats in state legislatures.
  • Political Party/527

    Florida For All

    Florida For All is a left-of-center PAC that supports Democratic candidates and ballot measures within the state of Florida. Leadership Florida For All was founded by Carlos Odio, a DNC super delegate who also worked as the president of Win Florida Inc., a left-of-center 501(c)(4) voter mobilization group that
  • Political Party/527

    Florida Freedom Fund

    The Florida Freedom Fund is a leadership political action committee (PAC) associated with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). The Florida Freedom Fund promotes and support right-of-center causes and conservative candidates in Florida. 106 In
  • Political Party/527

    Florida Safety and Justice

    Florida Safety and Justice is a left-of-center PAC that was created in 2016 to fund the successful campaign of Aramis Ayala, a progressive Democratic candidate for Orange County State Attorney in Florida. The organization is the Florida branch of the vast “Safety and Justice” network, a project of left-leaning billionaire
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    Florida Voters in Charge (FVIC)

    Florida Voters in Charge (FVIC) is a political action committee that aims to expand legalized gambling in Florida. Headquartered in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, it is the lobbying arm of gambling conglomerate Las Vegas Sands, from which it receives the bulk of its funding. This group is the direct political
  • Political Party/527

    Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF)

    Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) is a coalition campaign that supports the 2024 Florida Amendment 4, which aims to constitutionally enshrine the right to abortion access in Florida. FPF, which consists of left-of-center groups such as the ACLU Florida and Planned Parenthood, claims that “the overwhelming majority of
  • Political Party/527

    For Our Future (PAC)

    For Our Future is a left-of-center advocacy group that focuses on a variety of issues.
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    For Our Future Action Fund

    For Our Future Action Fund is a political action committee that operates in Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Nevada. Founders include prominent Democratic Party donor Tom Steyer, Steyer’s environmentalist advocacy group NextGen Climate, and the AFL-CIO labor union federation.
  • Political Party/527

    For Our Future PAC

    For Our Future PAC is a political action committee (PAC) based in Washington, D.C. 145 As of 2024, Ben Unger was the organization’s treasurer.
  • Political Party/527

    Forward Majority Action

    Not to be confused with Majority Forward, another Democratic-aligned PAC Forward Majority Action is a Democratic-aligned super PAC that focuses on electing Democrats in the 2020 election ahead of the 2021 redistricting process. Election Strategies On January 3, 2020, Forward Majority officially published its plan to gain seats in
  • Political Party/527

    Forward Party

    The Forward Party is a centrist third party founded by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Forward’s platform is based around changes to the political process, including voting and Congressional districting. Forward has endorsed dozens of candidates in federal, state, and local elections across the United States, most of