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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party. The DNC sets the Democratic Party’s platform, facilitates the Democratic presidential nomination process, and coordinates state-level strategy. As of 2022, its chair is former unsuccessful candidate for U.S. Senate from South Carolina Jaime Harrison. Structure Senior
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The Democratic Senate Campaign Fund is an initiative of the Democratic Party to expand the Democratic majority in Colorado.
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The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is the official party organ responsible for supporting Democratic candidates for the United States Senate.
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Democratic Victory PAC is a Democratic Party-aligned political action committee (PAC) that supported the 2024 presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris. It drew criticism from Democratic Party-aligned operatives and activists for high spending on luxury donor services relative to its direct support for campaigning activity.
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Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) is a political action committee (PAC) associated with left-of-center education activist organization Education Reform Now (ERN). 35
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Do No Harm Florida is a pro-life organization that was established to oppose 2024 Florida Amendment 4, which would have made abortion a right in the state’s constitution. 53 The measure failed to
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Duty to America PAC is a right-of-center independent expenditure-only political committee (also known as a Super PAC) established to oppose the candidacy of President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. 69 Activities Duty
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The Economic Innovation Action Fund is a Super PAC that primarily funds democratic candidates.
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Education First Alliance PAC is a right-of-center political action committee (PAC) based in North Carolina focused on parental rights, transgenderism, and school choice. In 2023, Education First Alliance published an investigative report implying that three top North Carolina universities were engaging in gender transition of toddlers as young as two
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The Education Truth Project (ETP) is an advocacy organization and political action committee established in 2022 and based in Oakland, New Jersey. It promotes school board candidates and educational policies aligned with teachers’ unions.
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Elect Democratic Women (EDW) is a political action committee that supports Democratic women candidates for office.
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Emerge America (EA) is a left-of-center candidate training organization that vets and prepares female Democrats who aspire to run for local, state, and federal offices. The organization conducts training to prepare and assist female candidates who choose to run within two to three years of the training. The group was
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Emerge New Mexico is nonprofit organization that recruits and trains democratic women who wish to run for office in New Mexico.
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End Citizens United (ECU) is a Democratic-aligned political action committee (PAC) founded by three former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) staffers in 2015. The PAC endorses political candidates who promise to overturn the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC.
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Enough Is Enough TN PAC is a political action committee that targets largely Republican men accused of sexual assault in Tennessee. Enough Is Enough TN PAC is affiliated with the nationwide organization Enough Is Enough Voter Project launched by Michele Dauber, a Stanford Law School professor and prominent figure in
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Environment America Action Fund is a 527 super PAC affiliated with the 501(c)(4) Environment America and 501(c)(3) Environment America Research and Policy Center.
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Every Voice Action is a Super Political Action Committee (PAC) affiliated with Every Voice, a left-of-center campaign finance advocacy group that was formed in 1997 by Nick Nyhart as “Public Campaign.” The group is one of two Super PACs affiliated with Every Voice, the other being Friends of
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Everyday People PAC is a left-of-center political action committee based in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was founded with the purpose of defeating then-President Donald Trump in the 2020 election and has continued with the goal of defeating the right and building the left. Seed the Vote is the
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Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund is the political action committee of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, a New York-based lobbying group that advocates for gun control measures while opposing laws expanding firearms carry privileges. The victory fund has financed a variety of mailer and advertisement campaigns throughout
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Evidence for Impact is a Washington, D.C.-based political action committee (PAC) founded in 2024 by Ezra Reese, the political law chair for the Elias Law Group. As of October 2024, Evidence for Impact had spent at least $13.35 million on expenditures to Democratic-aligned Super PACs and on behalf