Search results for ‘Community Labor United’

  • Non-profit

    Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)

    The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) is an advocacy group that promotes left-of-center immigration policies. It advocated for the passage of Illinois HB 3882, Driver’s Licenses and State IDs for All in Illinois, during the 2023 state legislative session. This bill would allow for those without Social
  • Non-profit

    Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)

    Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a policy advocacy group that claims to analyze political, social, cultural, and religious trends within Middle Eastern and South Asian media. 24 The organization was founded
  • Non-profit

    Jerusalem Fund

    The Jerusalem Fund is community advocacy group that claims to contribute to “the movement for Palestinian liberation” through culture, education and humanitarian support. The group has given grants to organizations such as the media outlet Mondoweiss and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near
  • Non-profit

    Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative (Health Care for All)

    The Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative is a coalition of nonprofit and for-profit organizations that advocate for left-leaning health care policy in Maryland. The organization commonly goes by the name Health Care for All (HCA).
  • Non-profit

    Out of Hand Theater

    Out of Hand Theater is a production company based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company puts on monthly “Equitable Dinners,” as well as short plays and group discussions to push advocacy and discussions on left-of-center policy issues.
  • Other Group

    Workers’ Voice

    Workers’ Voice, also known by the Spanish name La Voz de los Trabajadores, is a socialist-leaning political organization in the United States that advocates for radical-left economics, open borders, and the creation of an international socialist revolutionary party. Workers’ Voice claims climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity and
  • Non-profit

    Israel on Campus Coalition

    The Israel on Campus Coalition is an advocacy group that provides campus services to ensure that Jewish and pro-Israel college students are able to confront antisemitism and anti-Israel activities on college campuses. 97 The
  • For-profit

    Qatar Foundation International, LLC (QFI)

    Qatar Foundation International, LLC (QFI) is a United States-based member of the Doha-based and Qatari state-supported Qatar Foundation.
  • Political Party/527

    Uncommitted National Movement

    Uncommitted National Movement is a voter mobilization effort sponsored by the Listen to Us PAC. The movement was inspired by the efforts of Listen to Michigan, a campaign to encourage Michigan voters to vote “uncommitted” in Michigan’s 2024 Democratic primary elections to pressure President Joe Biden towards a ceasefire
  • Other Group

    Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P)

    Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P) is an advocacy and activism coalition focused on disrupting or halting the activity of political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest in, collaborate with, or otherwise support the State of Israel.
  • Non-profit

    Muslim American Society (MAS)

    The Muslim American Society (MAS) is an Islamic activist group with at least 40 chapters and organizing centers across the United States. MAS works to increase the influence of Muslim populations on their local communities through service projects, youth programs, political mobilization, and collaboration with other religious organizations. The group
  • Other Group

    Philly Muslim Freedom Fund (PMFF)

    The Philly Muslim Freedom Fund (PMFF) is a bail fund for Muslims incarcerated in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area founded in the wake of the police-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
  • Other Group

    Black Men Build (BMB)

    Black Men Build (BMB), one of 13 projects of State Democracy Project, (SDP), was formed in 2020 to organize Black men and boys for greater political power while advocating for racial, gender, and socioeconomic equal outcomes. BMB provides community health clinics, music training classes, self-defense classes, gun safety training,
  • Other Group

    National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR)

    The National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) is a radical-left activist organization that works on issues that it considers to be racist or targeting poor communities. 246 In 2021,
  • Non-profit

    DC Action

    DC Action is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that advocates for increased funding of social programs to address children’s issues in Washington, D.C. 267 It advocates for funding government programs to provide out-of-school programs, home health care,
  • Non-profit

    OutFront Minnesota

    OutFront Minnesota is a left-of-center organization that advocates for LGBT individuals through educational outreach to school-age children, teachers, and the public; anti-violence initiatives; outreach to religious organizations; 278 and legislative and political advocacy.
  • Other Group

    Durham for All

    Durham for All is a left-of-center community organizing and activist group located in Durham, North Carolina that focuses on promoting economic policies aligned with labor unions at the local level as well as pushing the political landscape in North Carolina to the left in statewide elections. The group is a
  • Other Group

    Organized Power in Numbers

    Organized Power in Numbers, formerly known as Unemployed Workers United, is a left-of-center to far-left labor organizing group that operates a variety of campaigns in the southern and southwestern U.S. states, with a particular emphasis on activities in Texas. The group is a project of the Working Families Organization,
  • Other Group

    Justice Environment

    Justice Environment is a consulting service offered by Saad Amer, a left-of-center climate activist. Amer focuses on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activist strategy, climate change and environmental justice policy development, get-out-the-vote and community organizing campaigns, evaluating sustainable development goal impact, and reducing carbon and pollutant emissions. It offers
  • Non-profit

    Ohio Unity Coalition (Ohio Coalition on Black Civic Participation)

    The Ohio Coalition on Black Civic Participation, also known as the Ohio Unity Coalition (OUC), is the state affiliate of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation. The nonprofit is dedicated to increasing voter turnout in Black communities to the level seen when former President Barack Obama was