Search results for ‘smith’

  • Non-profit

    Rural Community Workers Alliance

    Rural Community Workers Alliance is an advocacy group affiliated with organized labor that advocates for left-of-center labor policies and organizes workers in rural Missouri. The group organizes meatpacking workers with a focus on health care, workplace safety, wages, and other labor issues. The group provides education and training aimed at
  • Other Group

    Insulate Britain

    Insulate Britain is a radical activist group in the United Kingdom that demands that the UK government fund a program to insulate all homes in the country to reduce carbon emissions. 1 It organized protests for
  • Non-profit

    Fair World Project

    Fair World Project is an advocacy and litigation organization that promotes left-wing legal and regulatory models for international trade, such as “fair trade” requirements that American corporations be held responsible for the livelihood of all workers throughout their international supply chains.
  • Non-profit

    Acton Family Giving

    Acton Family Giving is a left-of-center grant maker that supports racial preferences in social policies, LGBT advocacy organizations, and animal liberation and environmentalist groups. Acton Family Giving is a donor-advised fund (DAF) founded in 2014 by billionaire philanthropists Brian and Tegan Acton managed by Fidelity Charitable.
  • Non-profit

    Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG)

    Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG) is a professional association of philanthropic trustees and private foundation leaders who fund environmentalist causes related to climate change and conservationism. It serves as a donor network for more than 70 formal member organizations. BFG was founded as Consultative Group on Biological Diversity (CGBD) in 1987
  • Non-profit

    United Women of Color (UWOC)

    United Women of Color (UWOC) is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote and organizing organization that seeks to mobilize ethnic-minority women and increase their influence in the government decision-making process. 1
  • Person

    Aaron Chapin

    Aaron Chapin is the president of the Pennsylvania State Education Association,  the Pennsylvania state teachers union affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA), the largest labor union in the United States. Aaron Chapin became president of the Pennsylvania State Education Association in September 2023 after serving as the teachers
  • Person

    Reiner Beeuwkes

    Reinier Beeuwkes is a scientist, biomedical-pharmacy entrepreneur, and Democratic Party philanthropist. Between 2016 and 2020, Beeuwkes and his wife, Nancy Beeuwkes, have collectively made $1,752,100 in contributions to the Democratic Party and left-of-center organizations. 1 A large sum
  • Non-profit


    Scalawag is a left-of-center online magazine covering the American South. It publishes articles that are critical of capitalism, Israel, and the police, and publishes numerous articles on what it is like being LGBT in the South. Scalawag has encouraged donations to the legal defense of those charged with offenses related
  • Non-profit

    North End Woodward Community Coalition (NEWCC)

    The North End Woodward Community Coalition (NEWCC) is a left-of-center group based in greater Detroit that provides services to low-income families, including free internet access, food banks, and solar energy installation. In the past, NEWCC has focused on opposing municipal public transportation policies for not providing enough service to low-income
  • Non-profit

    Working Films

    Working Films is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that funds the production and promotion of films that promote left-wing political and cultural perspectives. Its aim is to “shift culture” through the creation of films that push left-of-center narratives around issues such as race, environmentalism, immigration, and abortion.
  • Person

    Elizabeth Spiers

    Elizabeth Spiers is a left-of-center journalist and media consultant who is the founder of The Insurrection, a political consulting firm that specializes in polling and digital strategies. Previously, Elizabeth Spiers served as the editor-in-chief of the New York Observer, founded financial news site Dealbreaker, and was the founding editor of
  • Non-profit

    Voice for Refuge Action Fund (Voice for Refuge)

    Voice for Refuge Action Fund (Voice for Refuge) is a left-of-center activist organization that supports pro-refugee and immigration-expansionist policies at the local, state, and national level. 1 Voice for Refuge claimed that the Trump
  • Non-profit

    1851 Center for Constitutional Law

    The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law is a non-partisan public interest law firm that litigates on constitutional law in Ohio. It works on property rights, taxpayer and entrepreneur rights, regulation, health care, free speech, and parental rights.
  • Non-profit

    Action Lab

     The Action Lab (officially known as the Center for Law and Human Values) hosts training seminars, concerts, and other events for left of center activists. The Action Lab is closely associated with the Center for Popular Democracy, and operated under its management from 2016 to 2020. History The Action
  • Non-profit

    Local Progress Policy Institute

    Local Progress Policy Institute trains and encourages local elected officials to advance left-of-center policies in their official roles. It is funded by labor unions and major left-of-center foundations such as the Ford Foundation, Arnold Ventures, and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and includes mayors, district attorneys, county
  • Other Group

    National Election Defense Coalition (NEDC)

    National Election Defense Coalition (NEDC) opposes what it perceives as a Republican effort, influenced by former President Donald Trump, to oppose to fair and free elections. It favors of election reforms that would lead to widespread vote by mail, frequent and standardized election recounts, and opposition to what it
  • Non-profit

    The Property Rights Foundation of America (PRFA)

    The Property Rights Foundation of America (PRFA) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for private property ownership and property-use rights, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. PRFA provides resources and information to citizens, policy makers, and the media regarding government abuses of private property owners’ civil rights, especially as those
  • Non-profit

    Documentary Foundation

    The Documentary Foundation was a nonprofit organization that produced and distributed documentary films focused on the American experience. The Documentary Foundation produced films that combine personal stories with social and political commentary. Of the Documentary Foundation’s four films, two of them take place outside of the U.S., in China and
  • Other Group

    Campaigns for People

    Campaigns for People was an advocacy organization in Texas that operated during the 2000s. It advocated restrictions on individual state-level political contributions, out-of-state contributions to candidates from political action committees (PACs) that receive money from businesses, and issue advertisements and supported a tax on lobbyists to publicly fund campaigns.