Search results for ‘Bill Clinton’

  • Non-profit

    Washington Monthly

     Washington Monthly is a left-of-center magazine and media outlet that serves as a political watchdog and commentator on Washington D.C. politics. Washington Monthly is known for espousing neoliberalism, a more pro-market or pro-business variant of traditional American liberalism conceived by Washington Monthly founder and former editor-in-chief Charles Peters. History Washington
  • Other Group

    Student PIRGs

    Student PIRGs are left-of-center student-led groups which work to increase voter turnout on college campuses. 1 Affiliated with the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG), the groups focus mainly on toughening environmental regulations, placing
  • Non-profit

    Clean Cooking Alliance

    The Clean Cooking Alliance is an environmentalist initiative hosted by the United Nations Foundation that seeks to replace cooking fuels like charcoal, wood, and kerosene that are widely used in developing countries. 1 The foundation’s
  • Non-profit

    National Public Education Support Fund (NPESF)

    National Public Education Support Fund (NPESF) is a grantmaking organization which funds left-of-center education policy advocacy and activist networking initiatives. The fund supports designing government school programs and allocating taxpayer dollars based on race, ethnicity, and other minority status, and pushes for an education system designed to generate equality of
  • Non-profit

    Bank Black USA

    Bank Black USA advocates for increasing the number and influence of Black-owned financial institutions. The group claims that Black Americans are disadvantaged in access to banking services and in bank ownership, and that these disparities are the result of discrimination on a structural level in both the industry and in
  • Non-profit

    Focus for Health Foundation

    Focus for Health Foundation is a left-of-center private foundation that generally focuses on health-related matters. While working to address health issues such as food insecurity, bullying, unemployment, and prevention of childhood sex abuse, Focus for Health has also opposed the COVID-19 vaccine and has questioned other vaccines. History Focus for
  • Person

    Steve Jurvetson

    Steve Jurvetson is a venture capitalist who supports the left-of-center Audacious Project, 1 which he has called a “bold adventure in social philanthropy.”
  • Non-profit

    Clean Fuels Alliance America

    Clean Fuels Alliance America (Clean Fuels) is a trade association representing companies involved in the production of biodiesel. Biodiesel seeks to lower environmental impacts through taking natural products such as cooking oil, soybean oil, and animal fat and repurposing them into biodiesel fuel, in the belief that biodiesel gas releases
  • Person

    Julie Ann Su

    Julie Ann Su 1 is a left-of-center labor activist and attorney who has served as
  • Non-profit

    Innocence Project

    The Innocence Project is a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that it claims would help prevent wrongful convictions, including limiting surveillance, restricting the use of jailhouse informants, restricting how law enforcement can solicit eyewitness testimony, restricting how forensic evidence can be used in criminal cases, requiring interrogations to be
  • For-profit

    Michigan Donor Alliance

    Michigan Donor Alliance is a collection of individual and organizational donors that provide campaign and administrative services to left-of-center political organizations and causes.
  • For-profit

    TSD Communications

    TSD Communications is a public-relations firm that serves numerous left-of-center organizations. It was founded and is staffed by numerous alumni of the Clinton administration and Clinton-era Democratic National Committee. Clients TSD Communications has had numerous clients in the left-of-center advocacy sphere, including George Soros’s Open Society
  • For-profit

    Rational 360

    Rational 360 is a lobbying firm led and staffed by numerous former federal employees, most notably former Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart. Rational 360 formed in 2009 from a merger of Rational PR and Stevens and Schriefer Group.
  • Non-profit

    Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR)

    Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR, generally pronounced as “hacer,” the Spanish word for “to do”) works to increase of Latino representation in positions of corporate leadership and utilization of Hispanic-owned businesses. It is a member of the Alliance for Board Diversity.
  • Non-profit

    Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement

    The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement is a left-of-center foreign policy think tank based in Washington, D.C. It is a joint project of the University of Pennsylvania, which houses the center, and the now-defunct Biden Foundation, which functioned as its fiscal sponsor. The center calls for
  • Person

    Eric Braverman

    Eric Braverman is an American businessman with an extensive track record in the left-of-center philanthropic industry. He is the chief executive officer of Schmidt Futures, a grantmaking project of Eric Schmidt, the former executive chairman of the tech giant Google and its parent company Alphabet. Braverman is
  • Non-profit

    Vote Now 96

    Vote Now 96 was a Miami, Florida-based minority voter mobilization group. 1 It was founded by Democratic fundraisers Gary Barron and Hugh Westbrook.
  • Other Group

    The National Welfare Rights Organization

    The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) is a defunct left-wing advocacy group which was active from 1966 to 1975 and pushed for the expansion of taxpayer-funded handouts, particularly to women, children, and ethnic minority groups. The NWRO specifically demanded welfare payments large enough for recipients to simultaneously engage in political
  • Non-profit

    Coalition for Green Capital (CGC)

    The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) is engaged in the creation of finance institutions in the United States and internationally to accelerate investment in weather-dependent energy to reduce carbon emissions. 1 As of
  • Non-profit

    America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth

    America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth (“Alliance”), also known as America’s Promise Alliance, is an alliance of youth-focused nonprofits. The Alliance provides training, research, collaboration, and programs to bring youth-oriented nonprofits together to foster best practices and guidelines. After 2020, the America’s Promise Alliance has focused on fighting racism and promoting