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The International Comparative Labor Studies Program at Morehouse College



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The International Comparative Labor Studies Program at Morehouse College trains union activists and the website states that part of its mission is to “serve local labor developments, global unions, works councils, and other governance and education needs.” The program’s senior seminar is titled “Martin Luther King and Racial Capitalism.” The senior seminar webpage states that it instructs students in the theory that capitalism and racism are linked both historically and in the present day, and that “it should come as no surprise that the language of democratic socialism is again moving more squarely into the public discourse, and in ways that resonate especially among a diverse cadre of young people who are eager to think more clearly about where we are…” 1 In 2021 the Labor Studies Program received a $1.5 million grant from the left-leaning Ford Foundation. 2


  1. “ABOUT INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE LABOR STUDIES.” Morehouse College. Accessed October 18, 2021. https://morehouse.edu/academics/programs/international-comparative-labor-studies/about/
  2. “Grants Database; 2021.” Ford Foundation. Accessed October 18, 2021. https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/grants-database/grants-all?search=%26SearchText%3Dmorehouse&page=0&minamount=0&maxamount=30000000&subjects=%26SubjectIds%3D5
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