Other Group

Safety, Respect, and Equity Network (SRE Network)




Grantmaking Project

Parent Organization:

New Venture Fund



Executive Director:

Rachel Gildiner

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Safety, Respect, and Equity Network (SRE Network) is a left-of-center coalition project of the New Venture Fund that consists of Jewish-led organizations and businesses. SRE Network advises its member organizations on how they can prevent workplace gender-based discrimination and harassment against women, defined as any people who identify as women. 1

In addition to providing professional resources to its members, SRE Network makes grants that fund left-wing principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) regarding workplace gender-based harassment and discrimination for Jewish employers. It states that the recipient initiatives should intend for women and women’s issues to be the primary beneficiary of the funding. 2


Safety, Respect, and Equity Network was founded in 2018 as a project of the New Venture Fund in response to the #MeToo feminist movement, especially its effects within Jewish communities.  3 As of July 2024, SRE Network consisted of 175 member organizations, the majority of which were Jewish organizations and companies whose membership signifies commitment to SRE Network’s workplace policies. 1

SRE Network states that it focuses on combating discrimination and harassment against anyone who identifies as a woman in the workplace, and promotes the idea that gender is a social construct. It also uses the identity politics concept of “intersectionality” to advocate for gender issues and so-called equitable workplace policies. 1 3

As of September 2023, Safety, Respect, and Equity Network reported having 165 members and $5.5 million in grants distributed to 45 grantees since its founding. 3

Workplace Policies

Safety, Respect, and Equity Network requires members to commit to adopting its list of workplace standards. The standards use intersectionality to address gender-based discrimination, harassment, and disparities in pay and employment. SRE Network recommends executives and other leadership of organizations to implement its standards in their policies and training. 4

SRE Network’s workplace standards advise businesses and organizations to spend money and time to accomplish left-wing principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). It also advocates for the use of intersectionality to create hiring, promotion, pay, benefits, evaluations, and work conditions policies. 4


Safety, Respect, and Equity Network lists the following organizations as donors: Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, Dobkin Family Foundation, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Klarman Family Foundation, and Lippman Kanfer Foundation for the Living Torah. 3

Between 2018 and 2023, the Jim Joseph Foundation gave $3.5 million in grants to SRE Network. 5


In 2023, Safety, Respect, and Equity Network made $1 million in grants to 17 organizations. It reports that the grants are to address gender-based harassment and promote equity initiatives where it states women are the primary and target beneficiary. SRE Network grants for 2023 went to employers who report using the funding to increase compensation of female employees and fund employee behavioral training and criminal race theory aligned anti-racism training. 2

In SRE Network’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan, it announced that it plans on distributing $3 million in grants between 2024 and 2026. 3

In SRE Network’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan, it states that 30 percent of its budget is going towards grantmaking, totaling $3.3 million over the three-year period, and 50 percent of its budget is to be spent on employee compensation and consultants. It also states SRE Network’s anticipated total budget between 2024 and 2026 is $10.9 million. 3


Rachel Gildiner is the executive director of Safety, Respect, and Equity Network. She has previously worked as chief engagement officer of Hillel International, executive director of GatherDC, and founder and CEO of Gather Inc. 6


  1. “Overview.” SRE Network, March 25, 2024. https://srenetwork.org/sre-overview/.
  2.  “2023 Grantmaking.” SRE Network, January 10, 2024. https://srenetwork.org/2023-grantmaking/.
  3. “2024-26 Strategic Plan.” SRE Network, December 7, 2023. https://srenetwork.org/our-work/strategic-plan/.
  4. “Standards.” SRE Network, April 26, 2023. https://srenetwork.org/our-work/standards/.
  5. “Safety Respect Equity Network.” Jim Joseph Foundation, March 7, 2024. https://jimjosephfoundation.org/grants/safetyrespectequity-jewish-coalition/.
  6. “Rachel Gildiner to Join SRE Network as Executive Director.” SRE Network, May 30, 2024. https://srenetwork.org/sre-network-announces-executive-director/
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