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Protect Black Women Fund

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The Protect Black Women Fund is an organization linked to Black Lives Matter that states its mission is to offer “effective strategies” and “trusted networks” to Black women who have been attacked by the “right wing media machine.” 1 Protect Black Women Fund is a project of Social Environmental Entrepreneurs. 2

Parent Organization

The Protect Black Women Fund is a project of the Social Environmental Entrepreneurs, which is a left-of-center donor-advised fund organization. 2

The “donate” icon on the Social Environmental Entrepreneurs website for the Protect Black Women Fund leads to a PayPal page that states, “Donate to Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs – Protect Black Women Fund”. 3

Ties To Black Lives Matter

As of Aug. 6, 2024, the website listed on the Social Environmental Entrepreneurs homepage for the Protect Black Women Fund links to PatrisseCullors.com. 4 Patrisse Cullors is a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement. Cullors resigned as executive director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation in May 2021 and at the time was critical of what she described as a “smear campaign” against her by a “far-right” group. 5


The left-of-center Just Impact Fund lists the Protect Black Women Fund as one of its grantees. 6 The Just Impact Fund contributes to organizations that promote left-of-center lenient criminal justice policies. 6


  1. Protect Black Women Fund. Accessed Aug. 7, 2024. https://saveourplanet.org/projects/protect-black-women-fund/
  2. Social Environmental Entrepreneurs. Our Projects. Accessed Aug. 7, 2024. https://saveourplanet.org/types/civic-engagement/
  3. Social And Environmental Entrepreneurs. Paypal Donation page. Accessed Aug. 6, 2024. https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=sIPYFEOYXhT2LupN3UPRiv-LPq7OJ67typUGax76qDEMkShwlIFZUuUSFUqNJji2Zzd7WloIrevStvnM
  4. Patrisse Cullors website. Accessed Aug. 6, 2024. https://www.patrissecullors.com/
  5. Aaron Morrison. “BLM’s Patrisse Cullors To Step Down From Movement Foundation”; Associated Press. May 27, 2021. Accessed Aug. 7, 2024. https://apnews.com/article/ca-state-wire-george-floyd-philanthropy-race-and-ethnicity-0a89ec240a702537a3d89d281789adcf
  6. Just Impact. Grantees. Accessed Aug. 7, 2024. https://www.justimpactadvisors.org/fund-intro#grantees
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