Other Groups (Page 16)

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    Call 4 Climate Now

    Call 4 Climate Now is a project of the Climate Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) which is an association of various business advocates for changes to environmental policy. Call 4 Climate encourages people to call their senators to encourage the passage of environmental bills which would purportedly cut carbon emissions in half.
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    Camden Parent Union (CPU)

    Camden Parent Union (CPU) is a left-of-center community activist group based in Camden, New Jersey. It has pushed for increased government school funding and special programs to recruit teachers from racial minority backgrounds. The group was co-founded by Ronsha Dickerson and Byheijja Sabree, respectively the national organizer and operations manager
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    Campaign for Environmental Literacy

    The Campaign for Environmental Literacy is an organization that aims to educate Americans on environmental issues.
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    Campaign for Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP Action Center)

    The Campaign for Home Energy Assistance is an organization focused on providing assistance for low-income households.
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    Campaign for Human Rights Inc.

    The Campaign for Human Rights Inc. (also called the Center for Human Rights in Iran) is a nonprofit organization which advocates for the defense of human rights in Iran. The organization has called on the United States government to do more to recognize the abuses of the Iranian government and
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    Campaign for Our Shared Future

    The Campaign for Our Shared Future is a project of the New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) group that is managed by left-of-center philanthropic consultancy Arabella Advisors. The project opposes laws that seek to prohibit and opposes advocacy efforts to limit the spread of critical race theory in K-12
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    Campaign for Our Shared Future Action Fund

    Campaign for Our Shared Future Action Fund is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a lobbying and advocacy group within the left-of-center pass-through funding network managed by Arabella Advisors. Campaign for Our Shared Future Action Fund is the advocacy arm of the Campaign for Our Shared
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    Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights

    The Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights was a coalition of left-of-center organizations that sought to increase welfare spending in the housing market and advance race-focused housing policies.
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    Campaigns for People

    Campaigns for People was an advocacy organization in Texas that operated during the 2000s. It advocated restrictions on individual state-level political contributions, out-of-state contributions to candidates from political action committees (PACs) that receive money from businesses, and issue advertisements and supported a tax on lobbyists to publicly fund campaigns.
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    Campbell Collaboration

    The Campbell Collaboration is an advocacy group composed of researchers and policy makers that produce data in 11 different areas including aging, management, climate, disability, and social welfare. The group conducts and sponsors research addressing societal issues on local and global scales. CC has regional centers in Europe, South Asia
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    Canary Mission

    Canary Mission is an advocacy group that aims to combat the rise of anti-Semitism by documenting hate groups on college campuses. Canary Mission documents individuals and organizations that engage in antisemitism, racism, and bigotry across the political spectrum, including those on both the far right and the far left, and
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    Cannabis Freedom Alliance

    The Cannabis Freedom Alliance is an advocacy organization founded and funded by organizations affiliated with businessman Charles Koch that support the federal legalization of marijuana and other pro-marijuana measures. The group was formed in 2021 as a coalition of several right-of-center and criminal justice policy groups including Americans
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    Cape Town Open Education Declaration

    The Cape Town Open Education Declaration was written in 2007 at a meeting organized by left-of-center activist organizations, most notably the Open Society Foundations. The declaration aimed to produce a framework for global cooperation to advance open-access education. There was a follow-up meeting in 2017 to build upon the
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    Capital Markets Hub

    Capital Markets Hub, also referred to as the Capital Markets Center, is a left-of-center project of the donor-advised fund Amalgamated Charitable Foundation. The project focuses on promoting Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) activism.
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    Caribbean Sea Futures Initiative

    The Caribbean Sea Futures Initiative is a project of environmental group The Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) and seeks to develop an inter-disciplinary group to discuss environmental issues related to the Caribbean Sea.
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    Carolina Forward

    Carolina Forward is a left-of-center advocacy group based out of North Carolina. The group was founded to influence the 2022 midterm elections, endorsing nine candidates. 72 Carolina Forward also produces
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    Carolina Forward Action

    Carolina Forward Action is a political advocacy campaign associated with the left-of-center think tank Carolina Forward, based out of North Carolina. The project endorses a slate of left-of-center political candidates for state offices, which it calls the “Carolina Forward Slate.”
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    Cassie Stern Memorial (International Partners)

    The Cassie Stern Memorial is a project of International Partners (IP), an advocacy organization that provides goods and services to impoverished communities including healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. 81 The Memorial was created to honor Cassie
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    Catalyst Fund

    Public Interest Technology Catalyst Fund (Catalyst Fund) is an investment vehicle for public interest technology housed at the Ford Foundation. 84 In 2019,
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    Catalyze/Citizens is an immigration advocacy group that argues for left-of-center immigration and border policies. 95 The group is the political advocacy arm of left-of-center organization Immigration Hub, which was founded in 2017 to oppose