Other Group





Vancouver, BC, Canada


Technology Policy Advocacy Group

Executive Director:

Matt Hatfield

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

OpenMedia is a nonprofit advocacy organization based in Canada that campaigns for policies that would allow regulators to require online platforms to censor user speech. It also campaigns in support of price controls on internet service providers (ISPs), 1 2 3 and opposes allowing government agencies to view individuals’ internet usage and data and policies requiring online platforms to collect biometric data or identification from users. 4 5


OpenMedia is a Canadian-based advocacy organization that organizes campaigns in opposition to legislation that allow regulators or private companies violate the privacy of individuals. It is also critical of security agencies for using online services to surveil private citizens. 3 6

OpenMedia claims that internet access is “a fundamental human right” and promotes policies that dictate how so-called “sensitive data” is handled by technology companies. 3 6


OpenMedia opposes certain provisions in Canada’s Bill C-63 that criminalize activity that can be associated with a risk of potentially engaging in alleged “hate speech.” The bill also criminalizes speech that is “motivated by hatred,” with penalties as severe as life imprisonment. Conversely, OpenMedia supports provisions of the bill that requires online platforms to censor content believed to be bullying, harassment, child abuse, hate speech, and adult content shared without consent. 2

OpenMedia opposes Canada’s Bill C-26 which allows the Canadian government to issue secret orders to internet service providers (ISP) to disconnect service to persons whom the government claims are a cybersecurity threat, eliminates the requirement for intelligence agencies to have a warrant to obtain internet records from ISPs, and does not include public disclosure provisions. OpenMedia advocates for legislation that addresses cybersecurity issues, but it criticizes Bill C-26 by claiming it infringes on Canadian’s right to due process, privacy, and access to the internet. 5

OpenMedia advocates the adoption of policies that would create a government agency that would review for approval any new technology Canadian law enforcement seeks to use. It claims such oversight is necessary to prevent law enforcement from using technology to violate the privacy of citizens. 7

OpenMedia campaigns for stricter price control policies on private ISPs on the wholesale market and to require larger ISPs to offer the same internet services on the wholesale market that they offer to retail customers. 8 It claims stricter price control policies will increase competition for smaller ISPs and is critical of larger ISPs for buying out smaller ISPs, accusing them of price gouging. 1

OpenMedia is opposed to policies that would require online platforms to have age verification requirements. In support of the right to privacy, it opposes legislation that would require individuals to provide identification or biometric data to access online platforms, arguing it can be used to identify the online activity of individuals. OpenMedia also claims that LGBT people are particularly at risk of such privacy violations as it claims their online activities require extra privacy. 4

OpenMedia campaigns in support of amending Canada’s 1983 Privacy Act, arguing it needs to be updated in alignment with the technological advancements that have since been made. It advocates for making government agencies accountable for how they collect, use, and share data. It also advocates for regulations on technology companies regarding how they collect, use, and share data. 9


OpenMedia lists organizational contributors giving $500 or more in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. It lists Teksavvy and DuckDuckGo as donors that have given over $20,000. It lists Tucows and Internet Society as donors that have given over $10,000. For donors that have given over $5,000, OpenMedia reports receiving contributions from Twitter and CNOC. 10


Matt Hatfield is the Executive Director of OpenMedia. He previously worked for IFEX, where he also engaged in similar technology policy advocacy, as well as for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Canopy Planet. 11


  1. “Sign on for Fast, Affordable Internet!” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/148544/petition/1.
  2. “Tell Your MP: Keep the Good, Ditch the Bad in C-63!” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/145727/petition/1.
  3. “About OpenMedia.” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://openmedia.org/about.
  4. “Tell Your MP: Don’t Padlock the Internet!” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/142909/petition/1.
  5. “Help #fixbillc26!” Tell your MP: NO SPYING WISHLIST, fix Bill C-26! Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/143845/petition/1.
  6. “OpenMedia’s Impact.” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://openmedia.org/impact.
  7. “Police Technology Is out of Control!” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/119050/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=om.
  8. Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Wholesale Broadband services, May 31, 2021. https://www.canada.ca/en/radio-television-telecommunications/news/2021/05/wholesale-broadband-services–backgrounder.html.
  9. “Sign the Petition: Make Our Privacy Laws Work for You!” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://action.openmedia.org/page/53489/petition/1.
  10. “Our Supporters.” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://openmedia.org/our-supporters.
  11. “Our Team.” OpenMedia. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://openmedia.org/team.
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Vancouver, BC