Other Group

IMPACT: Civil Society Research and Development




Research Organization




Berlin, Germany

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IMPACT: Civil Society Research and Development is an organization that focuses on providing research, and capacity building to civil society organizations. 1

Although the organization was founded in Berlin in 2013, it states that its team is based across Europe, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq.

IMPACT is listed as being on the board of directors for WE Exist, an alliance comprised of Syrian civil society organizations. WE Exist organizes and coordinates public campaigns in Europe, and coordinates lobbying that targets policy-makers. 2 3


IMPACT: Civil Society Research and Development (IMPACT; formerly known as Citizens for Syria) is a research and networking organization that focuses on providing research and evaluation, and capacity building to civil society organizations. The organization’s team is based across Europe, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq. 1

Research conducted by IMPACT includes reports “mapping Syrian civil society actors,” and a “gender sensitivity toolkit” for civil society organizations. The organization’s most recent research project as of October 2023 was a toolkit published in 2020. 4

Associated Organizations

Since its inception, IMPACT: Civil Society Research and Development has worked with various government agencies and private foundations across the world.

Government agencies that IMPACT has partnered with in the past include the main executive arm of the European Union, the European Commission, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Europe, the German Foreign Ministry, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. 1

Non-governmental organizations that are listed as IMPACT’s partners include Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Robert Bosch Foundation Institute of War and Peace Reporting, Relief International, and CARE International. 1

IMPACT is listed as being on the board of directors for WE Exist, an alliance comprised of Syrian civil society organizations. WE Exist organizes and coordinates public campaigns in Europe, and coordinates lobbying that targets policymakers. The organization states that it aims to “shape the international narrative on Syria and to influence public opinion and decision-making.” 2 3


IMPACT: Civil Society Research and Development received £28,992 (around $35,264) from the Asfari Foundation, a UK-based grantmaking foundation that prioritizes civil society organizations, in 2017. 5


  1. “IMPACT – Civil Society Research and Development.” IMPACT. October 16, 2023. Accessed October 30, 2023. https://www.impact-csrd.org/about/.
  2. “Members & friends.” We Exist!. Accessed October 30, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/partners/.
  3. “About Us.” We Exist!. Accessed October 30, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/about/.
  4. “Research.” IMPACT. March 8, 2021. Accessed October 30, 2023. https://www.impact-csrd.org/programs/research/.
  5. “Asfari Foundation Accounts 2018.” UK Charity Commission. Accessed October 30, 2023. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search?p_p_id=uk_gov_ccew_onereg_charitydetails_web_portlet_CharityDetailsPortlet&p_p_lifecycle=2&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&p_p_resource_id=%2Faccounts-resource&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&_uk_gov_ccew_onereg_charitydetails_web_portlet_CharityDetailsPortlet_objectiveId=A9761679&_uk_gov_ccew_onereg_charitydetails_web_portlet_CharityDetailsPortlet_priv_r_p_mvcRenderCommandName=%2Ffull-print&_uk_gov_ccew_onereg_charitydetails_web_portlet_CharityDetailsPortlet_priv_r_p_organisationNumber=4027422.
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