Other Group

Delta Philanthropies




Other Group




Strive and Tsitsi Masiyiwa


London, United Kingdom

Budget (2021):

Revenue:                                       £6,029,805

Expenditures:                               £6,029,805

Assets:                                           £1.08m 16


  1. “Delta Philanthropies – Charity 1178335.” About the register of charities. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1178335&subid=0.

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Delta Philanthropies is a Zimbabwe-based nonprofit organization that provides social services, takes a liberal stance on gender issues, and advocates in favor of environmentalism.

Delta Philanthropies was founded by Zimbabwean telecommunications billionaire Strive Masiyiwa and has received grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. 1 2 It also has co-founded the Africa Gender Initiative (AGI) to provide support for the New Venture Fund’s project Co-Impact. 3


Delta Philanthropies is a Zimbabwe-based nonprofit that was founded in 2017 by the family of Strive Masiyiwa, a Zimbabwean billionaire businessman. It is registered in the United Kingdom, operating under U.K. Charity Commission laws. 4 5

Delta Philanthropies provides social services in Zimbabwe and funds feminist and environmentalist programs. 6 7 Its website states that its programs are “co-created” with the Higherlife Foundation, also registered in the U.K. by the Masiyiwa family and operating in Zimbabwe. 5 4



In October 2022, Delta Philanthropies formed the Africa Gender Initiative (AGI) to support Co-Impact’s Gender Fund. It was formed between Africa Philanthropy Forum, Delta Philanthropies and Co-Impact, where the three organizations agreed to contribute $50 million to AGI to go towards gender issues. 3 The Gender Fund states that it operates in the global south and will use funding to attempt to improve the healthcare, education, and economic status of 100 million people without regard for the gender or other demographic. It also states that a minimum of 75 percent of its grants will go to organizations that are “women led.” 7


Delta Philanthropies provides business loans to smallholder farmers aimed at scaling production to a commercial level and offers access to its network of recommended wholesalers with which its clients should work. Additionally, Delta Philanthropies, through its Rural program, advocates for rural Zimbabweans to switch from using conventional energy to environmentalist, solar energy to power their homes. 6 It offers a for-profit solar energy installation service through a company named Ugesi Energy that leases solar panels to rural homes in Zimbabwe. The Ugesi website states that the solar panels are only able to power loads that do not have a “high start-up current.” 8


Delta Philanthropies Education programs include professional development courses for education professionals, scholarships for orphaned and other disadvantaged children, and scholarships for higher education students, primarily awarded to science, technology, engineering, and math students. It also sponsors Ruzivo, an online education platform, and a leadership academy. 9


Delta Philanthropies health programs include funding maternal and neonatal units, providing sanitation amenities to prevent cholera outbreaks, and funding treatment for endemic tropical diseases. 10

Disaster Relief

Delta Philanthropies provides disaster relief for epidemics and natural disasters, providing food, medical services, as well as what it calls “spiritual and psychosocial support.” 11


Wife of Strive Masiyiwa, Tsitsi Masiyiwa is the co-founder and executive chair of Delta Philanthropies and Higherlife Foundation. She is a self-described “social entrepreneur” and philanthropist. 12

Billionaire businessman Strive Masiyiwa is the co-founder of Delta Philanthropies and Higherlife Foundation. As of 2023, Forbes estimated that he has a net worth of $2.3 billion and reported that he acquired his wealth through his stake in the mobile phone network Econet Wireless Zimbabwe and the African-based fiber optic company Liquid Telecom. 13


According to the United Kingdom’s Charity Commission, Delta Philanthropies reported £6,029,805 in revenue, £6,029,805 in expenditures, and £1.08m in assets in 2021. 14 15

In 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reported giving Delta Philanthropies a $100,000 grant. 2

In 2022, the Rockefeller Foundation announced that had awarded Delta Philanthropies a $750,000 to be paid out between 2022 and 2024 to campaign to advocate for individuals to take the COVID-19 vaccine in Zimbabwe. 1


  1. “Delta Philanthropies 2022.” The Rockefeller Foundation, April 11, 2023. https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/grant/delta-philanthropies-2022/.
  2. Delta Philanthropies. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committedgrants/2019/10/inv003999.
  3. Dondo, Sidney. “African Philanthropists Unite to Advance Gender Equality on the Continent.” Delta Philanthropies, October 24, 2022. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/african-philanthropists-unite-to-advance-gender-equality-on-the-continent/
  4. Dondo, Sidney. “10 Leading Ngos Shaping Africa’s Future.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/10-leading-ngos-shaping-africas-future/.
  5. Delta philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/.
  6. “Rural Transformations.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/rural-transformations/.
  7. Master. “Gender Fund Announcement – Co-Impact.” Co-Impact, January 27, 2022. https://co-impact.org/gender-fund-announcement/.
  8. “About.” ugesienergy, February 7, 2023. https://ugesienergy.com/about/.
  9. “Education.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/education/.
  10. “Health.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/health/.
  11. “Disaster Relief.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/disaster-relief/.
  12. “Who We Are.” Delta Philanthropies. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://deltaphilanthropies.org/who-weare/.
  13. “Strive Masiyiwa.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://www.forbes.com/profile/strive-masiyiwa/?sh=6fc2384d547b.
  14. “Delta Philanthropies – Charity 1178335.” About the register of charities. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1178335&subid=0.
  15. “Delta Philanthropies – Charity 1178335.” About the register of charities. Accessed April 17, 2023. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5108991/assets-and-liabilities.
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