Other Group

Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub


Washington, DC


Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) advocacy group

Project of:

NEO Philanthropy

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The Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub is a get-out-the-vote (GOTV) research group and a fiscally sponsored project of left-of-center “fiscal clearinghouse” NEO Philanthropy. 1

In 2023, NEO Philanthropy received several grants that totaled $ 1 million from George SorosOpen Society Foundations that were marked for the Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub. 2


The Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub is a fiscally sponsored project of NEO Philanthropy, which serves as a “fiscal clearinghouse” for left-of-center groups. 1 The group has been operational since 2020. 3

Activities and Funding

The Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub conducts research on increasing voter contact and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) engagement. The organization also supports GOTV campaign analysis and other voter-engagement efforts. 1 2 4


The Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub is a fiscally sponsored project of the left-of-center NEO Philanthropy. Grants to the organization are routed through NEO Philanthropy. 1

In 2023, NEO Philanthropy received two $500,000 grants (totaling $1 million) from George SorosOpen Society Foundations (OSF) marked for the Civic Engagement and Research and Dissemination Hub. Both grants from OSF were funded by the affiliated Foundation to Promote Open Society. 2

In 2022, the Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination fund received a $200,00 grant from the Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation through a grant to the left-of-center Analyst Institute to fund work on voter engagement issues. 4

The Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Fund received at least $100,000 from a grant to NEO Philanthropy from the 128 Collective Foundation in 2020. 3


  1. “Civic Engagement Research & Dissemination Hub.” Democracy Fund. Accessed September 22 ,2024. https://democracyfund.org/grant/civic-engagement-research-dissemination-hub/.
  2. “Awarded Grants.” Open Society Foundations. 2023. Accessed September 22, 2024. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/past?filter_keyword=civic+engagement+research+and+dissemination+hub&grant_id=OR2023-88431.
  3. “128 Collective Foundation.” Return of Private Foundation. (Form 990-PF). 2021. Part XVI. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/832899018/202203199349109415/full.
  4. “Civic Engagement Research & Dissemination Hub.” Blaustein Philanthropic Group. 2022. Accessed September 22, 2024 https://blaufund.org/civic-engagement-research-dissemination-hub/.
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Civic Engagement Research and Dissemination Hub

Washington, DC