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Camden Parent Union (CPU)




Left-of-center education advocacy




Ronsha Dickerson, Byheijja Sabree

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Camden Parent Union (CPU) is a left-of-center community activist group based in Camden, New Jersey. It has pushed for increased government school funding and special programs to recruit teachers from racial minority backgrounds.

The group was co-founded by Ronsha Dickerson and Byheijja Sabree, respectively the national organizer and operations manager of the Journey for Justice Alliance network.


Camden Parent Union was founded in 2013 by Ronsha Dickerson and Byheijja Sabree, although the group claims to have officially started operations in May 2014. 1 The two leaders wanted to formally organize the students of Camden High School (as well as neighboring schools) after a student-planned walkout occurred in response to the superintendent’s announcement that 272 staff members we being laid off, including 206 teachers. 1

CPU is a left-of-center activist group that claims to be comprised of community members, parents, caregivers, business leaders, and others from Camden, New Jersey. It advocates for the critical race theory-influenced concept of “equity” in the context of education and school funding. 2

Unity Community Center, a nonprofit organization in south Jersey that supports educational programs and performing arts for “black and brown youth,” has been described as the sponsor organization of Camden Parent Union. 2


Camden Parent Union advocates for “equitable education,” which it defines as increased funding and “resources” for government schools in Camden, New Jersey as well as special programs to recruit and retain teachers from “black and brown” backgrounds. 2

CPU holds monthly meetings to “educate and empower” parents and caregivers in Camden, giving them lectures about school budgets and curriculum. It also holds national conferences as well as protests and rallies to condemn budget cuts to public schools. 1

In June 2019, CPU joined representatives from Working Families Alliance, NJ Citizen Action, Sierra Club, Main Street Alliance, Amalgamated Transit Union, and others in a rally to voice their support for the so-called Millionaire’s Tax, or bill A10. Bill A10 aimed to tax those who earn between $1 million and $5 million a year at the state’s top tax rate (which previously only applied to those who made more than $5 million) and was promoted by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D). Murphy attended the rally, and the leaders of the rally presented the media with a petition signed by more than 100 organizations in support of the bill. 3 4 The tax increase passed in September 2020. 5


Camden Parent Union was co-founded by Ronsha A. Dickerson and Byheijja R. Sabree, respectively the national organizer and operations manager of Journey for Justice Alliance, a network of left-of-center activist groups across the United States. 2 Dickerson works as CPU’s executive director, while Sabree works as the group’s lead program director. 1

Dickerson is also the lead organizer of Camden Students Union, an affiliate group for Camden public school students and alumni. 2

Sabree is the former operations manager of Unity Community Center. She co-founded Camden Students Union with Dickerson in 2013. 2


  1. “About.” Camden Parent Union. Accessed May 29, 2023. https://www.camdenpsu.com/about-1.
  2. “Team.” Journey for Alliance. Accessed May 29, 2023. https://j4jalliance.com/team/.
  3. “Progressive Groups Plan Major Millionaire’s Tax Push on Monday.” InsiderNJ. June 7, 2019. Accessed May 29, 2023. https://www.insidernj.com/progressive-groups-plan-major-millionaires-tax-push-monday/.
  4. Daurio, Julie. “Progressive groups push Legislature on millionaire’s tax.” NJ Spotlight News. June 10, 2019. Accessed May 29, 2023. https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2019/06/progressive-groups-push-legislature-on-millionaires-tax/.
  5. Fritts, Janelle. “Seventh Time’s the Charm: New Jersey Passes Millionaires Tax.” Tax Foundation. September 30, 2020. Accessed May 29, 2023. https://taxfoundation.org/new-jersey-millionaires-tax-fy-2021/
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