Labor Union

Amalgamated Transit Union

Logo of the Amalgamated Transit Union, effective 2011. (link)



Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2020):

Revenue: $38,085,346
Expenses: $36,427,135
Assets: $183,741,450


Labor Union



International President:

John Costa

Budget (2021):

Revenue:                          $34,630,819

Expenses:                        $40,923,539

Assets:                             $203,071,676 30


  1. Amalgamated Transit Union. Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2). 2022. Statement B.

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) is an international labor union with more than 200,000 members across the transportation sector. Its members include bus drivers, light rail operators, maintenance workers, and baggage handlers. It operates 252 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, including operations in 44 states and Washington, D.C., and is a member of the AFL-CIO union federation. 1 2

The ATU supports the far-left Black Lives Matter movement. 3 4 In 2020 and 2021, ATU Local 1005 members refused to transport arrested Black Lives Matter protestors in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 5

As of June 2023, the ATU has endorsed President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. The group has also endorsed U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) in his campaign for U.S. Senate from California 6 and shown its support for the nomination and confirmation of left-of-center labor activist and attorney Julie Su for Secretary of Labor. 7

History and Leadership

Amalgamated Transit Union was founded in 1892 as the Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employees of America after American Federation of Labor (AFL) leader Samuel Gompers suggested workers of local street railways form an association to represent transit workers. 1 8

As of June 2023, ATU’s leadership consists of an international president, international executive vice president, international secretary-treasurer, and 18 international vice presidents who form the ATU’s member-elected executive board. 9

John A. Costa has been the president of ATU since 2019 and was re-elected to the position in 2022. Previously, Costa was ATU’s vice president from 2010 to 2019 and the chair of the ATU New Jersey State Council from 2008 to 2010. Costa has also worked as the vice president of the executive board of the New Jersey AFL-CIO. 10

Yvette Trujillo is ATU’s international executive vice president 11 and Kenneth R. Kirk is ATU’s international secretary-treasurer. 12

Activities and Funding

Amalgamated Transit Union is a labor union that claims more than 200,000 members across the transportation sector. Its members include metropolitan, interstate, and school bus drivers; para-transit, light rail, subway, streetcar, and ferry boat operators; mechanics and other maintenance workers; municipal employees; and baggage handlers. 1

ATU is a member of the AFL-CIO 1 and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). ATU has a total of 252 chapters spread across the United States and Canada. The union’s members work in 44 different states and Washington, D.C. 13 14 ATU also maintains a Black caucus, Latino caucus, women’s caucus, and LGBT caucus. 15

The ATU supports the far-left Black Lives Matter movement. Following the death of George Floyd, ATU international president John Costa said the organization stands in solidarity with nonviolent demonstrations. He also said ATU would work to push for reforms and dismantling what he called a systemic cycle of racism that plagues American society. 16

During violent protests in the summer of 2020, ATU leadership called transportation of arrested protestors “misuse of public transport.” Other members of the union individually refused to transport arrested protestors. 4  In 2021, several individual members of ATU Local 1005 refused to transport arrested protestors in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 5 ATU also joined the Strike for Black Lives to advance the critical race theory-influenced concept of systemic racism following the death of George Floyd. 17

ATU is partnered with various organizations to fight for the critical theory-influenced concept of equitable and just communities. Its partners include the AFL-CIO, Bluegreen Alliance, Coalition for Smarter Growth, Good Jobs First, Industrial Areas Foundation, Jobs to Move America, Jobs with Justice, Partnership for Working Families, Sierra Club, Center for Neighborhood Technology’s Transportation Equity Network (TEN), Transportation for America, AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, Transit Riders for Public Transit, Transit Workforce Center, USAction, United States Public Interest Research Group, and Working America. 18

Grants and Vendors

In 2022, Amalgamated Transit Union made grants of $6,500 to the 726 Family Fund, $5,000 to the left-of-center A. Philip Randolph Institute, $9,126 to the AFL-CIO union federation, $5,500 to the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 397 Strike Fund, $5,500 to the Canadian Building and Trades Union, $24,026 to the International Trade Union Confederation, $10,000 to the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), $15,404 to Renditions, and $5,000 to United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Strike Aid Fund. 19

In 2021, ATU also made grants to the A. Philip Randolph Institute, ATU Disaster, Boston College, Community Labor United, DC Jobs with Justice, Economic Policy Institute, Jobs to Move America, LCLAA, New Jersey State AFL-CIO, Peggy Browning Fund, Riders Alliance, Roosevelt Institute, the Alliance for Retired Americans, the Thomas Merton Center, US Labor Against the War, and others. 20

From 2021 to 20221, ATU also contracted with left-of-center vendors including Ickes and Enright Group; Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein; Sunshine Sachs; and others. 21

Political Activities and Lobbying

In April 2023, Amalgamated Transit Union endorsed the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden. 22 The union has also endorsed U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) in the campaign for U.S. Senate from California 6 and shown its support for the nomination and confirmation of left-of-center labor activist and attorney Julie Su as Secretary of Labor.7

In 2020, ATU endorsed the presidential campaign of Joe Biden because the union thought Biden could “beat Donald Trump.” In 2016, the union officially backed the 2016 presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the Democratic primary 23 and the unsuccessful 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton in the general election. 24

ATU has an affiliated political action committee (PAC), ATU-COPE. 25 According to Open Secrets, ATU-affiliated committees and persons contributed $632,575 to Democratic candidates and only $6,000 to Republican candidates running for office in 2022. 26 In 2020, ATU- affiliated committees and persons contributed $945,957 to Democratic candidates and only $32,000 to Republican candidates. 27

In 2022, Amalgamated Transit Union spent $2,437,897 on lobbying activities. 19 Recipients of ATU’s political and lobbying spending included ATU local unions, Clem Balanoff for political consulting fees, Massachusetts Not for Sale, 28 the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the Democratic-aligned Evans and Katz LLC, the left-of-center Economic Policy Institute, Jobs Move to America, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO, Everyaction, and others. 19

In 2021, ATU spent $2,422,317 on lobbying activities. 29


Amalgamated Transit Union receives its funding from a monthly per capita tax on union members to support the international labor union. 14 Each local ATU union has its own dues structure. In 2022, ATU reported total receipts of $34,630,819, of which $29,800,472 came from the union’s per capita tax levy. 28


  1. Home.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  2. “Our Union.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  3. “Facebook Post.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  4. Rapier, Graham. “Bus drivers and their unions are refusing to transport protestors arrested by police.” Insider. June 1, 2020. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  5. Noel, Allison. “Minneapolis Transit Union Refuses to Transport Arrested BLM Protestors.” Left Voice. April 14, 2021. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  6.  “ATU Endorses Congressman Adam Schiff for Senate.” Amalgamated Transit Union. May 4, 2023. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  7. “ATU Applauds President Biden’s Nomination of Julie Su for U.S. Labor Secretary.” Amalgamated Transit Union. February 28, 2023. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  8. “A History of the Amalgamated Transit Union.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  9. “Leadership.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed 11, 2023.
  10. “John A. Costa.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  11. “Yvette Trujillo.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  12. “Kenneth R. Kirk.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  13. “Our Work.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  14. “ATU FAQ.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  15. “Groups & Conferences.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  16. “ATU: Black Lives Matter.” Action Network. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  17. George, Justin. “Transit union to join national protests for police reform and racial equity.” Washington Post. July 17, 2020. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  18. “Partners and Affiliations.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  19. Amalgamated Transit Union. Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2). 2022. Schedule 16.
  20. Amalgamated Transit Union. Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2). 2021. Schedule 17.
  21. Amalgamated Transit Union. Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2). 2022. Schedule 17.
  22. “Amalgamated Transit Union Endorses President Joe Biden for Second Term as President of the Untied States.” Amalgamated Transit Union. April 24, 2023. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  23. Caputo, Marc. “Major union flips support from Sanders to Biden.” Politico. February 1, 2020. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  24. “Hillary Clinton Statement on Amalgamated Transit Union Endorsement.” Campaign Speech by Hillary Clinton. September 14, 2016. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  25. “ATU-COPE.” Amalgamated Transit Union. Accessed June 11, 2023.
  26. “Amalgamated Transit Union Congressional Candidates Receipts.” Open Secrets. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  27. “Amalgamated Transit Union Congressional Candidates Receipts.” Open Secrets. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  28. Union Name, Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2), Year, Schedule X.
  29.  Amalgamated Transit Union. Annual Report of a Labor Organization (Form LM-2). 2021. Schedule 16
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: June - May
  • Tax Exemption Received: October 1, 1940

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2020 Jun Form 990 $38,085,346 $36,427,135 $183,741,450 $8,131,502 N $0 $30,020,146 $3,389,723 $6,278,930
    2019 Jun Form 990 $38,955,172 $32,890,979 $181,308,848 $7,357,111 N $0 $29,571,742 $3,376,274 $5,578,855
    2018 Jun Form 990 $34,743,907 $33,799,833 $174,673,140 $6,785,596 N $0 $29,287,244 $2,874,361 $3,420,286 PDF
    2017 Jun Form 990 $53,302,717 $34,553,111 $173,390,349 $6,446,879 N $0 $27,129,686 $2,416,795 $3,427,099 PDF
    2016 Jun Form 990 $32,585,115 $28,586,114 $154,297,808 $6,103,944 N $0 $27,280,538 $2,621,290 $3,452,437 PDF
    2015 Jun Form 990 $28,846,738 $26,974,646 $150,008,632 $5,813,769 N $0 $24,526,241 $2,686,019 $3,436,821 PDF
    2014 Jun Form 990 $80,793,398 $28,025,755 $156,177,253 $5,854,482 N $0 $22,564,598 $3,392,564 $3,418,503 PDF
    2013 Jun Form 990 $30,410,447 $30,108,397 $103,495,956 $5,940,828 N $0 $23,123,614 $3,763,838 $3,079,572 PDF
    2012 Jun Form 990 $27,233,417 $30,679,840 $103,200,393 $5,947,315 N $0 $21,339,938 $3,116,021 $3,275,508 PDF
    2011 Jun Form 990 $27,482,420 $32,294,683 $106,699,087 $5,999,586 N $0 $20,972,328 $3,030,496 $4,216,230 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Amalgamated Transit Union

    SILVER SPRING, MD 20903-1706