Other Group





Environmentalist Group



Executive Director:

Jim Footner

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ARIA is a United Kingdom-based nonprofit environmentalist investigation group. The group receives support from the Belgium-based Meliore Foundation and claims to focus on researching and reporting political and corporate dynamics and influences on climate change-related policy. 1

The group’s name, ARIA, is an acronym for “analysis, research, insight, action.” 2


ARIA is a United Kingdom-based investigative group that claims to focus on researching and communicating “obstacles to a cleaner and more sustainable world.” 3 ARIA primarily focuses on climate-related industries including energy and agriculture, and general carbon emissions. 4

ARIA is supported by the Meliore Foundation, a Belgium-based nonprofit that has received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. 4 5 6 7 8

ARIA is a partner of Climate Whistleblowers, a non-governmental organization that claims to promote the protection of whistleblowers while litigating on their behalf on climate-related issues. 9 10


ARIA claims its work includes investigating and documenting “zero-carbon promises” made by corporations and governments to hold organizations accountable to the pledges they make. The group tracks efforts made and regulations regarding carbon capture methodologies aimed at sequestering and storing carbon. The group also pays particular attention to the use of public funds impacting the conventional energy industry. 11

In 2023, the group participated in a meeting for “The Investigative Agenda in Climate Change Journalism,” sponsored by the Global Investigative Journalism Network. 12


The Meliore Foundation, a Belgium-based nonprofit grantmaking organization that operates globally, funds ARIA. 4 5

In 2024, the Meliore Foundation received $600,000 from the Ford Foundation, a large left-of-center U.S.-based private grantmaking foundation. The purpose of the grant was for the establishment of a “new strategic communications hub focused on creating the conditions for a healthier digital public sphere.” 6 In 2023, the Meliore Foundation received $250,000 from the Ford Foundation; the purpose of the grant was support for the Global Strategic Communications Council’s Migration Project.” 13 The Global Strategic Communications Council is a project of the Meliore Foundation. 14

In 2023, the Meliore Foundation received $1,250,000 from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, a left-of-center private foundation focused on environmental issues and abortion access, for support of the Global Strategic Communication Council. 15 The Meliore Foundation also received $750,000 for the “Climate Action Against Disinformation Coalition” from the Hewlett Foundation, and $250,000 for strategic communications in Africa from the Hewlett Foundation in 2023. 7 16

In 2023, the Meliore Foundation received $400,000 from the Gates Foundation, a large left-of-center private foundation that focuses heavily on global health and the climate, for “Global Health and Development Public Awareness and Analysis.” 8


Jim Footner is the director of ARIA. Previously, Footner worked for Greenpeace UK and Global Witness. 4

Cecile Marchand is an investigative researcher for ARIA, focusing on the energy industry. Prior, she worked for Friends of the Earth France as an investigator. Marchand is on the board of Climate Whistleblowers. 17 4


  1. “Aria > Insight for Climate Action.” ARIA, July 31, 2024. https://aria.info/.
  2. “ARIA.” LinkedIn. Accessed November 13, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/company/aria-info/about/.
  3. “CEU CareerNext.” CareerNext, August 30, 2024. https://careernext.ceu.edu/job/investigative-researcher-fossil-fuel-influence-project
  4. “About Us.” ARIA, October 23, 2024. https://aria.info/about-us/.
  5. The Meliore Foundation. Accessed November 14, 2024. https://meliorefoundation.org/.
  6. “149763 – Meliore Foundation.” Ford Foundation. Accessed November 13, 2024. https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/awarded-grants/grants-database/meliore-foundation-149763/.
  7. “Meliore Foundation – for the Climate Action Against Disinformation Coalition.” Hewlett Foundation, October 14, 2024. https://hewlett.org/grants/meliore-foundation-for-the-climate-action-against-disinformation-coalition/.
  8. “INV-061580.” Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Accessed November 13, 2024. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2023/11/inv-061580.
  9.   “Who We Are – Environmental Whistleblowers.” Climate Whistleblowers, March 25, 2024. https://www.climatewhistleblowers.org/whoweare-environmental-whistleblowers/#partnersCont.
  10. “FAQ.” Climate Whistleblowers, June 29, 2023. https://www.climatewhistleblowers.org/faq/.
  11. “Fossil Fuels and Subsidies > Aria.” ARIA, September 6, 2023. https://aria.info/projects/fossil-fuels-and-subsidies/.
  12. “‘The Investigative Agenda for Climate Journalism’: Read Full Report.” Journalismfund Europe. Accessed November 14, 2024. https://www.journalismfund.eu/news/GIJC23-climate-agenda-report.
  13. “145146 – Meliore Foundation.” Ford Foundation, August 10, 2024. https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/our-grants/awarded-grants/grants-database/meliore-foundation-145146/.
  14. “Global Strategic Communications Council.” GSCC, March 15, 2024. https://gsccnetwork.org/.
  15. “Meliore Foundation – for the Global Strategic Communications Council.” Hewlett Foundation, November 17, 2023. https://hewlett.org/grants/meliore-foundation-for-the-global-strategic-communications-council/.
  16. “Meliore Foundation – for Strategic Communications in Africa.” Hewlett Foundation, November 1, 2024. https://hewlett.org/grants/meliore-foundation-for-strategic-communications-in-africa/.
  17.  “Who We Are – Environmental Whistleblowers.” Climate Whistleblowers, March 25, 2024. https://www.climatewhistleblowers.org/whoweare-environmental-whistleblowers/.
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