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Advocating for Palestine




Pro-Palestine Activist Group

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Advocating for Palestine is a left-wing pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel advocacy organization. Advocating for Palestine claims that Israel is conducting a “military occupation” of the Palestinian territories. 1

The group produces pro-Palestine pamphlets and other information 1 that serves as a roadmap for how to reshape and reframe the debate surrounding the Israel-Hamas war. 1 In 2024, Advocating for Palestine published a paper explaining how activists can advocate in favor of Palestinian activists and groups. 2


Advocating for Palestine is a left-wing pro-Palestine and anti-Israel advocacy organization. Advocating for Palestine claims that Israel is conducting a “military occupation” of the Palestinian territories and says that neither a “war” nor a “conflict” is taking place between Israel and Hamas, but a “Zionist project via settler colonialism.” 1

The organization claims that Israel is one of the militarized occupying nations in the world and that this is only possible with the backing of billions of dollars from the United States, which is acquired through a powerful “Zionist lobby.” 1


Advocating for Palestine cites Amnesty International’s guide towards the Israel-Palestine conflict to argue that Israel oppresses the Palestinian territories. This guide includes claims of territorial fragmentation, segregation, discriminatory family reunification laws, restrictions on movement, use of military rule, dispossession of land and property, suppression of human rights, the taxation and restriction on imports and exports to halt economic growth, and limits on access to healthcare in the Palestinian territories. 1


Advocating for Palestine produces pro-Palestine pamphlets and other information. Its Pro-Palestine Guidebook has been translated into ten different languages 1 and serves as a roadmap for how to reshape and reframe the debate surrounding what it calls “Israel’s military occupation of Palestine.” 1

This handbook explains Advocating for Palestine’s view of the history of Israel and the Palestinian territories and attempts to frame the current situation with a focus on human rights, international law, and shared values. The handbook also publishes specific words and phrases it believes will help pro-Palestinian activists communicate in support of Palestinians and shift global perspectives against Israel. 1

The Guidebook provides pro-Palestinian activists with rebuttals and potential answers to questions that may challenge pro-Palestinian views. The rebuttals include claims that there is not suffering on both sides of the Israel-Hamas conflict. 1

The group also claims that the Israel-Hamas conflict is neither a religious conflict nor should it be understood as two nations fighting each other. Instead, Advocating for Palestine says the conflict is a result of anti-colonial resistance against Israel’s alleged violence, displacement, and racism. 1

Advocating for Palestine’s guidebook also argues that Israel cannot invoke the right to self-defense under the United Nations Charter because threats to Israel do not come from other states, but from military groups in territory that Israel currently occupies. 1 It uses this reasoning to argue that all Israeli claims of “self-defense” are used to legitimize alleged war crimes, which the organization claims includes collective punishment against Palestinians, starvation, siege, use of phosphorus bombs, and targeting of civilians. 1 1

Activism Support

In January 2024, Advocating for Palestine published a separate book that explains how the organization recommends advocating in favor of Palestinian activists and groups. The book claims to serve as a dedicated guide to dismantling “Israeli propaganda” and takes radical Palestinian nationalist positions on various policy issues in the Israel-Hamas war. 2

The book claims that the Israel-Hamas war is not a conflict, but a case of settler colonialization, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and land theft. It also says that Gaza is not a country, but a concentration camp; that Israel’s settlements are illegal; and that Israel is an apartheid state. 2

Both of Advocating for Palestine’s publications promote talking points to oppose those saying conflict is necessary to release Israeli hostages being held by Hamas and against arguments that Hamas uses Gaza’s civilian population as human shields to protect its weapons facilities from Israeli strikes. 2 2


  1. “Advocating for Palestine Guidebook.” Advocating for Palestine. Accessed August 25, 2024. https://sites.google.com/view/advocatingforpalestine/home.
  2. “Advocating for Palestine (English).” Advocating for Palestine. January 22, 2024. Accessed August 26, 2024. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cynZr2F3j4QK2LoiKkQc9vIwRAf8KANg/view.
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