Non-profits (Page 20)

  • Non-profit

    American Compass

    American Compass is a self-proclaimed conservative think tank which considers itself a part of the “conservative labor movement.” American Compass was founded by Oren Cass, a former advisor to now-U.S. Senator Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) presidential campaigns and a labor and environmental policy analyst. In American Compass’s founding letter, Cass
  • Non-profit

    American Conservation Coalition (ACC)

    The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is a nominally right-leaning environmental advocacy organization with financial and advisory board ties to left-wing environmentalist groups. The Wisconsin-based organization was founded and is headed by Benjamin “Benji” Backer, a student at the University of Washington.
  • Non-profit

    American Conservation Coalition Campus (ACC Campus)

    For more information, see American Conservation Coalition (Nonprofit) American Conservation Coalition Campus (ACC or ACC Campus) is the 501(c)(3) arm of the nominally right-leaning environmental advocacy group American Conservation Coalition (ACC). ACC Campus publishes “Right on Climate,” a blog that pushes environmentalism as a conservative issue.
  • Non-profit

    American Conservative Union (ACU)

    The American Conservative Union (ACU), also known as CPAC after the acronym for the Conservative Political Action Conference the group has organized since 1974, 1 is an advocacy organization that aims to unite
  • Non-profit

    American Conservative Union (ACU) Foundation

    The American Conservative Union (ACU) Foundation, or CPAC Foundation, is a nonprofit political organization that aims to educate citizens about conservative principles and advocate for conservative policies.
  • Non-profit

    American Constitution Society for Law and Policy

    The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) is a left-of-center legal activist group that aims to frame the United States Constitution as a document whose meaning shifts based on historical and political circumstances and that lawmakers should apply its articles and amendments accordingly. To advance this view, often
  • Non-profit

    American Constitutional Rights Union

    The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is a conservative legal group founded in 1998 as the American Civil Rights Union. 1 Former Reagan administration adviser Robert Carleson started the organization to advocate for
  • Non-profit

    American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research

    The American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research (ACI) is a non-partisan, public policy think tank that advocates for free markets, especially as it regards consumer interests. 1 ACI
  • Non-profit

    American Cornerstone Institute

    The American Cornerstone Institute is a right-leaning nonprofit organization created by former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and neurosurgeon Ben Carson. The organization promotes conservative political beliefs and perspectives on history. Background The American Cornerstone Institute asserts that it advocates for faith, liberty, community and life.
  • Non-profit

    American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

    American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy is an advocacy group pushing for increased regulation on energy efficiency at the state and federal levels. It receives substantial funding from the controversial Sea Change Foundation.
  • Non-profit

    American Council for Capital Formation

    American Council for Capital Formation is a center-right nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization devoted to “leadership and influence in U.S. economic policy.”
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    American Council of Trustees and Alumni

    The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) is a conservative-leaning organization that encourages college and university trustees, alumni, and donors to take a more active role in setting institutional policy.
  • Non-profit

    American Council on Education

    The American Council on Education (ACE) is the coordinating body for primary and secondary education institutions and associations. ACE represents institutions teaching two-thirds of the students in all accredited schools in the United States and was founded at the end of World War I to aid in increasing enrollment in
  • Non-profit

    American Documentary

    American Documentary, Inc., (AmDoc; sometimes styled American Documentary | POV) presents left-of-center documentary films in association with the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and its local affiliates. It has premiered more than 400 documentaries since 1988.
  • Non-profit

    American Economic Liberties Project

    The American Economic Liberties Project is an advocacy group that opposes what it considers to be an excess concentration of corporate power in various sectors of the American economy. The organization says it opposes monopolies and calls for more federal and state regulation of private businesses in hopes to “redistribute
  • Non-profit

    American Endowment Foundation (AEF)

    American Endowment Foundation (AEF) is a donor-advised fund (DAF) provider that manages over $4 billion in assets and consists of 10,000 individual donor-advised funds 1 serving donors in all 50 states.
  • Non-profit

    American Energy Action (AEA)

    American Energy Action (AEA) is a Washington, D.C.-based environmentalist political advocacy organization that lobbies elected officials to support weather-dependent energy, especially wind and solar energy. The AEA directly lobbies legislators and engages in public advocacy campaigns to convince voters of the benefits of weather-dependent energy.
  • Non-profit

    American Energy Alliance

    American Energy Alliance is the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research, an organization that researches government regulation of global energy markets.
  • Non-profit

    American Energy Freedom

    American Energy Freedom is a right-of-center advocacy group that promotes American energy independence.
  • Non-profit

    American Energy Project

    American Energy Project is an environmentalist advocacy and action organization located in Oceanside, California. The organization promotes the insulation of American attic spaces to reduce heating and cooling leaks, thereby reducing carbon emissions.