
National Training Institute for Applied Behavioral Science



Baltimore, MD

Tax ID:


Budget (2016):

Revenue: $1,080,022
Expenses: $1,443,019
Assets: $579,309


501(c)(3) – Revoked May 15, 2020 8




Race and Education Advocacy Organization

Executive Director:

Alan Klein

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National Training Laboratory Institute for Applied Behavioral Science (NTL Institute) is a left-of-center membership organization that uses applied behavioral science to advance left-of-center positions on identity politics issues. 1 It first developed the concept of “sensitivity training” sessions. 2

NTL Institute supports the far-left Black Lives Matter movement, 3 operates a “social justice hub,” 4 has said the United States has “racist origins,” 5 publishes a practitioner’s journal that featured an article entitled “The Problem with White People,” 6 and attacked then-President Donald Trump for issuing a memorandum banning critical race theory-inspired “diversity training” in the federal government. 7

NTL Institute’s 501(c)(3) nonprofit status was automatically revoked by the Internal Revenue Service on May 15, 2020, for not filing a nonprofit tax return for three consecutive years; the IRS does not confirm whether such revocations remain in force at any given time. 8

History and Leadership

National Training Laboratory Institute for Applied Behavioral Science (NTL Institute) was founded by Kurt Lewin in 1947 in Bethel, Maine as the National Training Laboratories for Group Development. Lewin used money from a 1946 planning group run by the United States Office of Naval Research and the left-of-center National Education Association (NEA). 2

In the late 1940s NTL Institute operated under the NEA and was the first organization to develop “T-Group” training sessions, now commonly known as “sensitivity training” sessions. 2 NTL Institute has published the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science since 1965 2 and aims to advance applied behavioral science (ABS) in the “service of social justice.” 9

Alan Klein is the executive director of NTL Institute. 10

Activities and Funding

National Training Laboratory Institute for Applied Behavioral Science has 325 members who are academic researchers, practitioners, and consultants who publish on issues such as learning, inequality, social change, and race 1 and value “social justice manifested through inclusion, equity, experiential learning, and diversity.” 9

NTL Institute engages in race-based activism through its “social justice hub” 4 to “drive the dismantling of laws, culture, and institutions that allow racism to thrive.” 11 It supports the far-left Black Lives Matter movement, and has said racial violence in the United States “festers within education, economics, criminal justice, healthcare, and more.” 3

The organization has said the “model minority myth” serves to drive a wedge between minority communities to align Asians with “white people in power.” 12 It attacked then-President Trump for issuing a memorandum banning critical race theory-inspired “diversity training” across the federal government. In a statement, NTL Institute said it was important to learn “critical race theory and the racist origins of the United States” in a society that values freedom of speech because too many people were educated in a system which allegedly “overlooks the racist origins and present realities of systemic racism. 5

NTL Institute publishes books on “social change” and organizational dynamics 13 and a practitioner’s journal, Practicing Social Change. 14 In December 2020, Practicing Social Change published an article entitled “The Problem with White People,” 6 whose author asserted that “whiteness as socially constructed has been used by white people for centuries to justify the enslavement, dispossession, rape, murder, humiliation, brutalization, and dehumanization” of minority groups and that “patterns of white domination replicate themselves in every system and level of system.” 15

NTL Institute offers courses that advocate for organizational change across strategy, policy, hiring, and community engagement based on implementing critical race theory-inspired concepts of “equity, diversity, and inclusion.” 16 As of October 2021, the group will offer a course called “The Power Equity Group: Theory and Practice.” 17


National Training Laboratory Institute for Applied Behavioral Science (NTL Institute) accepts individual contributions to operate. 18 On May 15, 2020, NTL Institute’s nonprofit status was revoked by the Internal Revenue Service for failing to submit a Form 990 nonprofit tax return reporting its income for three consecutive years. 8 The IRS does not confirm whether such revocations remain in force at any given time. 8

In its most recent IRS filing in 2016, NTL Institute reported $96,554 of income from grants and contributions and $614,364 of income from program service fees. 19


  1. “Membership.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  2. “Lewin’s Legacy.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  3. “NTL Public Statement – Responding to Systemic Racism.” NTL Institute. June 22, 2020. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  4. “NTL Public Statement – Statement about Anti-Asian | Pacific Islander Hate.” NTL Institute. March 26, 2021. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  5. [1] “NTL Public Statement – Responding to President Trump’s Memo on Diversity Training.” NTL Institute. September 21, 2020. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  6. LinkedIn Post. NTL Institute LinkedIn. December 2020. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  7.  “NTL Public Statement – Responding to President Trump’s Memo on Diversity Training.” NTL Institute. September 21, 2020. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  8. Ntl Institute For Applied Behavioral Science.” Accessed October 22, 2021.,%20REVOCATION,%20COPYOFRETURNS&orgTags=CHARITIES&orgTags=REVOCATION&orgTags=COPYOFRETURNS.
  9.  “Vision, Mission & Values.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  10. “Alan Klein.” LinkedIn. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  11. “NTL Public Statement – June 4, 2020.” NTL Institute. June 4, 2020. Accessed October 21, 2021.
  12. [1] “NTL Public Statement – Statement about Anti-Asian | Pacific Islander Hate.” NTL Institute. March 26, 2021. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  13. “NTL Member Publications.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  14. [1] “Tell us your interests.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 23, 2021.
  15. Walker, Julian. “The Problem With White People.” Practicing Social Change. Pg. 1-8. December 2020. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  16. “The Power of Feedback.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  17. “The Power Equity Group: Theory and Practice.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  18. “Donate.” NTL Institute. Accessed October 22, 2021.
  19. “NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science.” Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax. (Form 990). 2016.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: April 1, 1967

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2016 Dec Form 990 $1,080,022 $1,443,019 $579,309 $359,387 N $96,554 $614,364 $1,520 $205,344 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $1,935,992 $1,827,707 $1,135,474 $545,946 N $125,699 $1,367,855 $1,002 $243,673 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $1,645,846 $1,489,327 $971,467 $489,936 N $102,087 $951,737 $3,207 $242,907 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $1,933,540 $2,422,230 $1,133,209 $808,197 N $93,333 $1,372,248 $5,174 $395,860 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $2,325,935 $2,452,365 $1,813,132 $1,006,527 N $84,911 $1,814,110 $10,725 $175,801 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $2,877,795 $2,985,450 $1,821,657 $891,484 N $77,130 $2,367,991 $2,121 $228,045 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    National Training Institute for Applied Behavioral Science

    8 Market Place, Suite 300
    Baltimore, MD