The Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) is a regional organization of private schools. The ISAS provides resources to its member schools, including curriculum recommendations and guidelines on adhering to the group’s left-progressive political views. 1
The ISAS is a member organization with the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the largest network of private schools in the United States. NAIS has more than 1,600 member schools which enroll a total of nearly 700,000 students. 2
Critical Race Theory
In February 2022, the right-of-center law publication Legal Insurrection announced the launch of an investigation into National Association of Independent Schools and its member organizations, one of which is Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Led by journalist and former teacher Paul Rossi, the investigation centers on the apparent promotion of left-progressive race and gender ideology within NAIS. Legal Insurrection highlighted statements by leading left-progressive activists affiliated with NAIS, as well as curriculum changes which the association expects its member organizations to implement. 3
NAIS has hosted Bettina Love, the co-founder of the radical-left Abolitionist Teaching Network, as a keynote speaker at its “People of Color Conference.” Love’s organization claims that school disciplinary measures are a form of “spirit murder” of minority children. Legal Insurrection alleged that the association has also promoted the writings of radical-left ideologue Ibram X. Kendi, who claims that race-neutral policies are inherently discriminatory, and that to suppress opposition to its policies and curriculum recommendations, NAIS has recommended that its member schools bar parents from involvement in their school communities and even expel their children. Legal Insurrection claimed that the association has also recommended that school administrators treat dissenting parents and community members as if they are mentally ill. 3
Scott Griggs is the executive director of Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. He has been an administrator at private schools in Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio. Griggs attended Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. 4
In 2020, Independent Schools Association of the Southwest received nearly $1.1 million in total revenue. The organization reported no donations or grants and indicated that nearly all of its funds came from program service fees. 5
- “About ISAS.” Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Accessed February 20, 2022.
- “About NAIS.” National Association of Independent Schools. Accessed February 20, 2022.
- Paul Rossi. “Project Launch: Unmasking National Association of Independent Schools.” Legal Insurrection. February 9, 2022. Accessed February 20, 2022.
- “ISAS Staff.” Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Accessed February 20, 2022.
- Independent Schools Association of the Southwest, Return of an Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990), 2019.