Green Corps is an environmental organization in the United States that trains recent college graduates in a one-year post-graduate program in grassroots community organizing. It is the 501(c)(3) research arm of Green Corps Campaigns, a 501(c)(4) environmental advocacy organization. Both organizations are members of the Public Interest Network.
Green Corps is listed as a publicly supported organization on its IRS tax forms. In 2015, it reported receiving 87.66 percent in public support. In 2014, it reported receiving 82.91 percent in public support.1
In 2014, Green Corps donated $200,000 to the Center for Public Interest Research, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and member of the Public Interest Network whose president is Wendy Wendlandt, a Green Corps board member. The grant was “to train and develop new organizers, activists, and leaders through the Change Corps Academy project.”2
In 2015, Green Corps paid $240,480 for “program and fundraising support” to the Fund for the Public Interest, a left-wing group described as the fundraising arm of the Public Interest Network.1