Central American Resource Center DC (CARECEN DC) is a left-leaning immigrant advocacy group focused on the Central American community in the District of Columbia metropolitan area. The group is part of the Immigration Advocates Network, a network of pro-bono immigration attorneys. 1
Services provided by CARECENDC include legal advocacy, housing assistance, and citizenship processing. These services aim to provide security for families escaping crime or abuse, assist with processing visas, secure Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and reunite immigrants with families from whom they were separated.
Applicants for citizenship may receive assistance with screening and with preparation for the naturalization examination. Twelve-week courses are available to eligible applicants and recourses such as computer labs and tutors are also available. CARECENDC also provides micro-loans, in partnership with the DC Credit Union, to eligible applicants in efforts to ease the newly naturalized citizen’s transition. 2
CARECENDC’s housing program assists immigrants with locating affordable housing in the DC metropolitan area. The counseling programs teachings money management, tenant rights, and literacy advancement that can help the applicants communicate independently. CARECENDC may serve as a liaison between the immigrant tenants and the housing industry. 3
Abel Nunez has been the executive director for CARECEN DC since 2013. He is an immigrant from El Salvador. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Hofstra University and in 2016 he was given the John Thompson Jr. Legacy of A Dream Award from Georgetown University. 4
In the same year that he took the helm of CARECENDC, Nunez was arrested for blocking the road during a protest outside the U.S. Capitol building. The protest included members of congress and other participants who were pushing for liberal expansionist immigration legislation. 5
- “Central American Resource Center (Washington D.C. Office) – National Immigration Legal Services Directory – Nonprofit Resource Center.” Accessed June 29, 2020. https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/organization.422869-Central_American_Resource_Center_Washington_DC_Office.
- “Citizenship.” CARECEN. Accessed June 29, 2020. http://carecendc.org/direct-services/citizenship/.
- “Housing Services: CARECEN DC.” CARECEN. Accessed June 29, 2020. http://carecendc.org/direct-services/housing-services/.
- “DC Immigration Advocate Named 2017 Legacy of a Dream Recipient.” Georgetown University, February 28, 2016. https://www.georgetown.edu/news/d-c-immigration-advocate-named-2017-legacy-of-a-dream-recipient/.
- Constable, Pamela. “New Leader of Central American Group in D.C. Seeks to Raise Nonprofit’s Profile, Funds.” The Washington Post. WP Company, October 10, 2013. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-leader-of-central-american-group-in-dc-seeks-to-raise-nonprofits-profile-funds/2013/10/10/72918132-313c-11e3-9c68-1cf643210300_story.html.