350 Milwaukee is a child organization of 350.org, a left-of-center environmentalist organization that advocates for eliminating the use of conventional energy sources.
350 Milwaukee advocates for a total divestment from conventional energy sources, such as a oil and gas, and a complete transition to environmentalist energy programs, citing other environmentalist organizations to support its advocacy. 1
350 Milwaukee holds protests against banks that have any financial ties to conventional energy companies or investments, including marches, sit-ins, boycotts, and campaigns to launch formal complaints. 2
December 2019 Protest
In December 2019, 350 Milwaukee and local Wisconsin environmentalist groups organized a protest of JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and other banks for providing loans to conventional energy companies. They also demanded that the banks divest from such companies to fund environmentalist infrastructure projects instead. 3
Several protestors went into a Wells Fargo along the march, blocking the teller lines and the building entrance, which led eleven individuals being arrested. At least one of the arrested individuals was identified as a 350 Milwaukee activist. 4
2017 People’s Climate March
350 Milwaukee participated in the 2017 People’s Climate March, sending activists via bus to Washington, D.C. One 350 Milwaukee member explained that the activists were motivated to participate so they could protest the Trump administration’s environmental policy during his first 100 days in office. 5
350 Milwaukee is a child organization of 350.org, a left-of-center advocacy group, but 350 Milwaukee does not claim a nonprofit status independent of 350.org. It does not publicly disclose its funding or ask for donations.
- 350 Milwaukee. Accessed February 2, 2021. https://350milwaukee.weebly.com/.
- “Chase & Wells Fargo.” 350 Milwaukee. Accessed February 2, 2021. https://350milwaukee.weebly.com/bank-protests.html.
- MKE Community Journal. “Climate Activists Engage in Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at Wells Fargo Bank in Response to Continued Fossil Fuel Investment; Lack of Renewable Energy Investments.” Milwaukee Community Journal, December 10, 2019. https://communityjournal.net/climate-activists-engage-in-nonviolent-civil-disobedience-at-wells-fargo-bank-in-response-to-continued-fossil-fuel-investment-lack-of-renewable-energy-investments/.
- Staff. “Milwaukee Students Risk Arrest during Climate Protest against Banks Funding Fossil Fuel Industry.” The Milwaukee Independent, December 11, 2019. http://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/articles/milwaukee-students-risk-arrest-climate-protest-banks-funding-fossil-fuel-industry/.
- Johnson, Susan Amber. “Susan Amber Johnson: Madison’s May 5 Divestment March Continues Climate Advocacy.” madison.com, May 3, 2017. https://madison.com/ct/opinion/column/susan-amber-johnson-madisons-may-5-divestment-march-continues-climate-advocacy/article_ff6d868d-d310-5c79-82ef-c72f62b73b3d.html.