
Images of a Culture


Hillsborough, California


Far-Left Consulting Firm


Mary Montle Bacon

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Images of a Culture is a far-left for-profit consulting firm that advocates for policy that would set equity standards in education. It works primarily with school systems and schools, offering various forms of trainings and workshops. 1

Images of a Culture is operated by its founder and CEO Mary Montle Bacon, who is a proponent of using identity politics as a basis for her advocacy. She has asserted that systemic racism is an issue that continues to oppress ethnic minorities and lower-income individuals and that drastic policy change is the only solution. 2


Images of a Culture is a for-profit consulting firm created by Mary Montle Bacon. It advocates for far-left policy in education that aligns with identity politics, addressing differences in outcomes among racial and socioeconomic groups. 3

Images of a Culture was started by Mary Montle Bacon in Southern California after she had worked in various roles in K-12 and higher education. Bacon is an advocate for implementing far-left policy that would create equity standards in education. She created Images of a Culture to push policy change to fix discrepancies in academic outcomes among races. 4


As Images of a Culture’s CEO and consultant, Mary Montle Bacon works with schools and organizations to promote implementing equity standards. 5 Bacon’s services include event presentations, keynote workshops, long-term on-site consulting, and multi-year services. 1

Bacon states Images of a Culture’s multi-year contracts focus intensively on establishing equity standards between racial and socioeconomic groups. She claims ethnic minorities and lower income individuals do not receive the same advantages as other groups. Bacon also advises schools to change expectations of underperforming students, because she claims they are based in negative beliefs of those groups. Images of a Culture’s consulting has resulted in school systems adopting policy to set equity standards, giving extra support to ethnic-minority and lower-income students. 6


Mary Montle Bacon is the founder, CEO, and owner of Images of a Culture. 3 Bacon graduated from Stanford University with a master of arts in guidance and counseling and a Ph.D. in social psychology. After graduating, Bacon worked as a teacher, counselor, psychologist, school administrator, and juvenile probation officer. She has worked at various levels of K-12 education as well as for post-secondary institutions. 3

Bacon supports using identity politics as a foundation for providing additional support for certain racial and socioeconomic groups. Bacon argues certain identity groups do not have equal access to opportunities and that school systems need to establish “equitable treatment” among their students. 5 She also argues that trainings, workshops, and speeches are not capable of undoing what she describes as ongoing systemic racism that is oppressing ethnic minorities in America. She states that policy changes are necessary to allow ethnic minorities and lower income individuals to be able to have equal opportunities in America. 4


In 2018, Mary Montle Bacon presented at a conference for the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District in Houston, Texas. 7 Bacon has also worked with Los Angeles Unified School District and Boston Public Schools under long-term contracts. 6


  1. “Services.” Mary Montle Bacon, Ph.D. Accessed November 28, 2021.
  2. [1] “Bacon, Mary Montle.” Stanford Historical Society, January 1, 2010.
  3. “Biography.” Mary Montle Bacon, Ph.D. Accessed November 28, 2021.
  4. “Bacon, Mary Montle.” Stanford Historical Society, January 1, 2010.
  5. “Bacon Vision.” Mary Montle Bacon, Ph.D. Accessed November 28, 2021.
  6. “Long Term Contracts.” Mary Montle Bacon, Ph.D. Accessed November 28, 2021.
  7. “Bacon, Mary Monte: Images of Culture.” Parents Defending Education, November 1, 2021.
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