
Jordan Uhl


Video Distribution Manager,

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Jordan Uhl is a left-of-center activist who currently serves as the video distribution manager for agitation group Uhl is also the founder of Nobody is Above the Law, a nationwide coalition designed to support President Donald Trump’s impeachment, conviction, and removal from office.

Political Organizing

Uhl currently works as the video distribution manager for; he aids the organization in rapid response organizing, campaigning, and communications for left-wing political action.1

Uhl was a lead organizer of the nationwide “March for Truth” in June 2017, which called for a transparent, independent investigation of alleged conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian military intelligence efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.2 (A subsequent federal investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller identified no such criminal conspiracy.3) Under Uhl’s and other left-wing activists’ leadership, the protest spread to 135 cities in the United States.2

Following the March for Truth, Uhl co-founded the Nobody Is Above the Law Network, a group of 30 left-of-center advocacy organizations across the United States, including MoveOn, Common Cause, and Stand Up America.4 The group organized nationwide marches and demonstrations to protest President Trump and call for impeachment.4 Nobody is Above the Law claimed it had a series of “red lines” rapid response plans to launch mass protests should President Trump have exercise his presidential powers in ways in which the group disapproved, including firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, pardoning key witnesses, and taking action to “prevent the investigation from being conducted freely.”5

On December 17, Nobody is Above the Law activated this network to generate a nationwide protest which included hundreds of thousands of demonstrators at 600 events covering all 50 states to demand that President Trump be impeached.6 The following day, the House of Representatives passed two articles of impeachment, prompting and Nobody is Above the Law to launch a campaign to pressure the Senate to convict and remove the President from office.6


Uhl has published articles in a variety of publications, frequently pushing left-wing perspectives.

In November 2016, Uhl published a piece in The Independent calling on left-of-center individuals to use the holiday season as an opportunity to attack the political beliefs of their conservative relatives, claiming that a failure to do so would amount to an acceleration of “the normalization process for the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and other discriminatory behaviors that plague our nation today.”7 Uhl encouraged individuals to use traditional left-wing narratives in an attempt to debate or agitate conservatives over the Thanksgiving meal.7

In September 2018, Uhl published a piece in Medium commenting on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) being accosted by activists from the Democratic Socialists of America while eating dinner in Washington D.C.8 Uhl’s article repeatedly insulted Cruz’s appearance and Christian religious beliefs, while supporting the protestors who interrupted his meal.8 Rather than placing blame on the demonstrators for acting aggressively towards Cruz and his wife, Uhl blamed the media for expressing a message of civility in the wake of the event, arguing that the media must “afflict the comfortable” rather than support civility in politics.8

In addition to publishing opinion pieces with various news outlets, Uhl has his own personal newsletter, the Blue Note, where he published four articles in April and May 2019.9 In May, Uhl self-published a piece criticizing Republican governors in several states for enacting stricter abortion regulation, blaming the passing of the regulations on supposed “voter suppression” in Republican-controlled states.10

Twitter Activism

Uhl has a substantial Twitter following of over 177,000 followers, which he frequently uses to make incendiary political comments.11 Uhl often uses this account to express his support for incendiary political tactics and aggressive left-wing activism.8

Uhl has also taken to social media to launch targeted attacks at prominent supporters of not removing President Trump from office, including Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz and Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson. In December 2018, Dershowitz appeared on Fox News to argue that former national security adviser Michael Flynn did not commit a criminal offense by lying to the FBI.12 Uhl posted the clip, leading his left-wing followers to accost Dershowitz on Twitter, with anti-Trump celebrities and activists calling on him to be disbarred.13

Later that same month, Uhl shared a video of Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, taken out of the context of his show, in which Carlson said on the air that allowing certain immigrants into the United States makes the country dirtier, poorer, and more divided.14 Uhl shared the clip on his Twitter, leading the clip to be viewed more than one million times through his account.14 Following the tweet, over twenty advertisers led a boycott of Carlson’s show, organized by left-wing activist groups including Uhl’s own Uhl himself personally reached out to known advertisers in an attempt to pressure them out of running advertisements during Carlson’s show.15


  1. “What Is” MoveOn.Org. Accessed December 20, 2019.
  2. “Protesters Demand an Independent Russian Probe at This Weekend’s March for Truth in Orlando.” Orlando Weekly. Orlando Weekly, November 12, 2018.
  3. Cost, Jay. “The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class.” National Review. National Review, April 22, 2019.
  4. Shepherd, Brittany. “There Will Be a Pro-Mueller Demonstration in DC Tonight: Washingtonian (DC).” Washingtonian, January 18, 2019.
  5. “The Plan.” Nobody is Above the Law. Accessed December 21, 2019.
  6. “MoveOn: People-Powered Progress.” MoveOn.Org. Accessed December 20, 2019.
  7. Uhl, Jordan. “Dear White People, the Holiday Season Is the Best Time to Tell Our Grandparents to Stop Being Racist.” The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, November 25, 2016.
  8. Uhl, Jordan. “The Issue With Interrupting Ted Cruz’s Dinner Wasn’t One of Civility, It Was the Media’s Reaction.” Medium. Medium, September 26, 2018.
  9. Uhl, Jordan. “The Blue Note.” The Blue Note. Accessed December 21, 2019.
  10. Uhl, Jordan. “Issue 4: Alabama & Georgia’s Regressive Abortion Laws.” The Blue Note, May 16, 2019.
  11. “Jordan (@JordanUhl).” Twitter. Twitter, September 17, 2018.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author.
  12. Kalmbacher, Colin. “Alan Dershowitz Roasted After Telling Fox News ‘Lying to the FBI Is Not a Crime’.” Law & Crime. Law & Crime, December 17, 2018.
  13. Uhl, Jordan. “Alan Dershowitz Just Said Michael Flynn ‘Did Not Commit a Crime by Lying’ and ‘Lying to the FBI Is Not a Crime’.” Twitter. Twitter, December 17, 2018
  14. Tornoe, Rob. “Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Continues to Shed Advertisers Following Immigration Comments.” The Spokesman-Review, December 20, 2018.
  15. Uhl, Jordan. “I Just Want to Take a Second and Thank @SunBasketMeals for the Thoughtful Message and Committing to Not Run Ads on Tucker Carlson’s Show Going Forward! #DropTucker.” Twitter. Twitter, February 5, 2019.
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