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WE Exist




Syrian liberal democracy advocacy organization


Run by collective membership groups

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WE Exist is a liberal democratic collective of Syrian civil society organizations that promotes human rights, a pluralistic and democratic Syria, and the speech rights of nonprofit organizations.

WE Exist claims to be guided by five values: dignity, solidarity, equality, accountability, and independence. Its goal is to shape the global discourse on Syria and influence policymakers in Syria and abroad whose actions affect Syria. To this end it has coordinated campaigns in Europe and deployed its communications to lobby policymakers and NGOs involved with Syria. 1

It called for the end to the Syrian Civil War and advocated for the formation of a “peaceful and democratic Syria.” It conceives of this new-found Syria as one supported and led by civil society organizations. 1

WE Exist’s board of directors is comprised of Dawlaty, Hurras Network, Impact – Civil Society Research and Development, the Syrian Legal Development Program, and Women Now for Development. It counts among its official partners Amnesty International, Refugee Protection Watch Coalition, and Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. 2


WE Exist claims to be guided by five values: dignity, solidarity, equality, accountability, and independence. It seeks to shape the global discourse on Syria and influence policymakers in Syria and abroad whose actions affect Syria. To this end it has coordinated campaigns in Europe and deployed its communications to lobby policymakers and nongovernmental organizations involved with Syria. 1

It called for the end to the Syrian Civil War and advocated for the formation of a “peaceful and democratic Syria.” It conceives of this new Syria as one supported and led by civil society organizations. 1

In addition to democratic values, WE Exist advocates for justice and accountability in general and in Syrian society, and claims that the country already has “an active, vibrant, young and dynamic civil society” that is being suppressed. 1

WE Exist runs a news page called “Window to the Syrian Civil Society” which reports on natural disasters, conflicts, and steps that Syrian civil society groups are taking to build a more democratic country. 3

WE Exist also runs advocacy campaigns and publishes research reports to back up its advocacy. 4


WE Exist is led by Syrian civil society organizations and is supported by international partners.

Its members and friends include 11.11.11, Action for Sama, Adopt a Revolution, ALEF – Act for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Babaddaar, Basmeh & Zeitooneh, La Cantine Syrienne de Montreuil, Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution, the Day After, Don’t Suffocate Truth, Doz EV, Guiti News, Haven for Artists, PAX, Pel – Civil Waves, Sawa for Development and Aid, Refugee Protection Watch Coalition, Rethink Rebuild Society, Space-Syria Peace Action Centre, the Syrian British Consortium, the Syria Campaign, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, Syrian Doc Days, Syrian Network for Human Rights, Syrians for Truth and Justice, Syrien N’est Fait Festival, the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, Urnammu, and Violations Documentation Centre. 2


WE Exist’s board of directors is comprised of Dawlaty, Hurras Network, Impact – Civil Society Research and Development, the Syrian Legal Development Program, and Women Now for Development. 2


  1. “About.” WE Exist. Accessed October 9, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/about/
  2. “Partners.” WE Exist. Accessed October 9, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/partners/
  3. “Window to the Syrian Civil Society.” Accessed October 9, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/window-to-the-syrian-civil-society/.
  4. “Campaigns.” WE Exist. Accessed October 9, 2023. https://weexist-sy.org/campaigns/.
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