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The Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee (PLUAC)




Conservative Watchdog Group




Doug Mayer

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The Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee (PLUAC) is a right-of-center watchdog group created in May 2024 to investigate public-sector unions and their support for “Democrats of pro-Democrat groups.” 1

PLUAC claims that its goal is to expose, “the far-left agenda of teachers’ unions, news unions, and government unions…” 2


The Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee is a conservative-leaning watchdog group formed in May 2024 which claims that government-worker unions are the “puppet masters of the progressive Left in our schools, media, and government.” The group argue such unions lack accountability and thus will act to “demand accountability.” 3

PLUAC argues that public sector unions affect components of core government functions including Medicare services for seniors as well as local municipal operations. 3 The Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee claims that Biden administration officials “are attempting to shoe-horn unions into every aspect of American life at the expense of Medicare for seniors and American taxpayer dollars.” 2

Doug Mayer is the spokesman for the organization. 4


The Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee released a 30-second video upon its May 2024 launch talking about the “puppet masters” that included “public sector unions, teachers’ unions, news unions, government unions.” 1

PLUAC says its three main objectives are protecting taxpayers, seniors, and parents; “reigniting public concern” about public sector unions; and exposing public labor unions’ outsized influence in electoral processes. 4

According to its website, public sector unions trap “parents and students in failing schools dominated by the public teachers unions.” 3 They further claim that this causes far-left narratives to be pushed while controlling what people, “read, see and hear in the news.” 3

Electoral Process

PLUAC claims that public sector unions are amongst the top donors to the Democratic party or pro-Democrat campaigns. 3 According to the organization’s website, PLUAC claims that it wants to “shine a light” on such activities such as “outsized” influence in the electoral process of public sector labor unions. 5 Other organization activities include monitoring union political action committees (PACs), and individual contributions linked to the public sector labor unions to political campaigns. 1


  1.  Pope, Nick. “‘Puppet Masters’: New Watchdog To Investigate ‘Outsized’ Political Influence Of Key Dem Ally.” Daily Caller. May 15, 2024. Accessed June 15, 2024. https://dailycaller.com/2024/05/15/new-watchdog-public-sector-unions/
  2. Press Release. “Fauci in Hot Seat for Pushing Baseless COVID Guidelines that Jeopardized American Livelihoods.” Public Labor Unions Accountability Committee. June 4, 2024. Accessed June 15, 2024. https://mailchi.mp/ce8afd2ae581/faucicovidguidelinesbaseless-14183070
  3. “About.” Public Labor Union Accountability Committee. Accessed June 14, 2024. https://www.pluac.com/about
  4.  Press Release. “Group Launches to Combat Growing Threat of Public Sector Unions on America.” Press Release. May 21, 2024. Accessed June 15, 2024. https://mailchi.mp/619faf66a882/publiclaborunionsaccountabilitycommitteeannounceslaunch
  5. Public Labor Union Accountability Committee. Accessed June 14, 2024. https://www.pluac.com/
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