The Syrian Centre for Policy Research (SCPR) analyzes policies that affect Muslim-majority nations, particularly Syria and Lebanon.
The Syrian Centre for Policy Research (SCPR) is a nonprofit think tank and research group primarily analyzes policies that affect Muslim-majority nations, particularly Syria and Lebanon. Its mission statement says its main goal is to inform Syrians about ongoing policy discussions. 1
The Syrian Centre for Policy Research mainly publishes research reports, with a self-professed goal to “bridge the gap” between research and lawmaking and facilitate conversations that will result in “sustainable, inclusive, and human-centered development.” 1
In December 2022, SPCR released a paper on the rise of “identity politics” within Syria among different political groups. It complained of the “impact of the Syrian war and the massive destruction it has caused, both economically and socially, over the past decade.” It argued that a “lack of justice and accountability” was to blame for many of Syria’s ills. The paper was a product of SPCR’s project KnowWar, and was the result of a collaborative effort between the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna, Mousawat, the Centre for Development Studies at Birzeit University, and the Centre for Peace Research and Peace Education at the Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt. It was funded by the Austrian Development Agency. 2
In October 2023, SPCR released a report on Syria’s economic situation with a focus on inflation. It noted that while inflation in Syria is declining, it is still very high compared to pre-COVID-pandemic levels. It also warned that wages were below poverty levels, and that Syrian public sector workers make approximately US$40 a month. 3
SCPR has run several projects, most recently in 2019. 4
Knowledge Production in Times of Flight and War, or “Know War,” is a project that attempts to facilitate more research into the causes of war in the region. It aims to “systematically” work out the “power nexus between war, flight, humanitarian programs, repatriation, and reconstruction” in the Syrian Civil War and its repercussions in Lebanon. 5
Past projects include “Refugee Partners,” “Food Security & Conflict in Syria,” and “Alternative Development Policies.” 4
- “About Us.” Syrian Centre for Policy Research. Accessed October 21, 2023.
- “Identity Politics in Syria: A Background Paper.” Syrian Centre for Policy Research. Accessed October 21, 2023.
- “SPCR’s Annual Bulletin for Consumer Price Index and Inflation in Syria 2022.” Syrian Centre for Policy Research, October 2023. Accessed October 21, 2023.
- “Projects.” Syrian Centre for Policy Research. Accessed October 21, 2023.
- “Know War.” Syrian Centre for Policy Research, August 5, 2019. Accessed October 21, 2023.