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Promote the Vote




Voter mobilization initiative

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Promote the Vote is the voter mobilization initiative of the left-of-center advocacy group National Council of Jewish Women. 1

Parent Organization

National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) supports left-of-center policy goals in Israel and the United States. The organization claims to have 180,000 members across 60 chapters in its 30-state policy network and action teams. 2 NCJW focuses on four advocacy causes: expanding gender equality in Israel, blocking conservatives’ federal judicial appointments, supporting abortion access, and mobilizing voters. 3

Jody Rabhan is the chief policy officer of the National Council of Jewish Women.  She is the head of the organization’s government relations and advocacy work. In this position, she helps with mobilizing the grassroots work on the organization’s issues and campaigns around the country, as well as the organization’s advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. She also works with the CEO and the board of directors to create policy and advocacy strategy for the organization. 4


Promote the Vote holds voter registration drives and provides voter registration forms at NCJW and other community events. It also educates voters by organizing candidate forums, creating candidate questionnaires, preparing press releases or media kits, and writing voter guides on ballot initiatives. Finally, it engages in get-out-the-vote activities through door-knocking to urge voting and providing polling information, coordinating transportation to the polls, and creating a phone bank to contact voters. 1


  1. “Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote Resource Guide.” National Council of Jewish Women. Accessed July 11, 2022. https://www.ncjw.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Promote-the-Vote-Protect-the-Vote-082017.pdf.
  2. “About Us.” National Council of Jewish Women. Accessed July 11, 2022. https://www.ncjw.org/about/.
  3. “Our Work.” National Council of Jewish Women. Last modified August 7, 2017. https://www.ncjw.org/work/.
  4. “Jody Rabhan.” National Council of Jewish Women. Last modified September 12, 2019. https://www.ncjw.org/jody-rabhan/.
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