Lawyers for Learners is an organization based in Madison, Wisconsin, that connects current and prospective college students with legal counsel. 1 Lawyers for Learners does not offer legal counsel, but rather maintains a network of educational and legal partnerships with Wisconsin-based legal firms and higher education institutions to help students expunge criminal records and navigate various legal matters. 2
Lawyers for Learners was founded in 2019 as a project by its fiscal sponsor, Ascendium Educational Group, in partnership with Madison College and Milwaukee Area Technical College to expand access to legal services for lower-income students in Wisconsin. 3 Lawyers for Learners grew out of Ascendium’s Dash Emergency Grant program, which seeks to help Wisconsin students in financial crisis. 3 Since 2019, Lawyers for Learners has expanded its network to more than 30 educational institutions, including 18 Wisconsin universities, colleges, and technical schools, and 14 legal partners. 4 5
Fiscal Sponsor
Ascendium Educational Group is the fiscal sponsor of Lawyers for Learners, and is a left-of-center nonprofit that expands educational and career opportunities to lower-income people after high school through educational grants, student loan repayment programs, and financial education campaigns. 6 Ascendium has two subsidiaries: Ascendium Education Solutions and Ascendium Philanthropy, which is an educational grantmaking fund that prioritizes left-of-center initiatives informed by left-wing critical race theory. 7 8
In addition to criminal record expungement, Lawyers for Learners connects students with professionals who specialize in employment, family matters, housing, immigration, and bankruptcy .9 2 It also places students in contact with lawyers and businesspeople who specialize in civil and municipal court proceedings, such as driver’s license recovery, gender-marker and name changes, and retail theft citations. 10 Lawyers for Learners conducts clinics at Wisconsin universities and colleges that teach students how to navigate these legal processes. 11 Work performed by Lawyers for Learners is free of charge. 12
Lawyers for Learners also connects students with attorneys who specialize in criminal pardons. 10 For example, in 2022, Ulfrica “Eureka” Talley-Peterson received a pardon for a felony assault conviction that she said prevented her from being accepted as a student at colleges and universities. 13 Talley-Peterson was convicted in 2003 after she “attacked her then-partner during a confrontation.” 14
In addition to its sponsorship by Ascendium Education Group, Lawyers for Learners operates through its collegiate and legal partnerships. 3 5
Lawyers for Learners’ more than 30 educational partners include three large institutions: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Madison College, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. 4 At most schools, such as University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Lawyers for Learners offers its network services to pair students with legal aid. 9 At others, including Madison College, Lawyers for Learners is part of the Legal Studies/Paralegal degree program. Students can intern or volunteer with Lawyers for Learners to satisfy degree requirements. 15
Lawyers for Learners maintains 14 legal partners, including Ascendium Education Group, Community Immigration Law Center (CILC), and Community Justice, Inc (CJI). 5 Ascendium has its headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin. 16 Its major initiatives are helping students repay their student loans and offering students financial counseling. 6
Community Immigration Law Center is a left-of-center Wisconsin nonprofit law firm which seeks to prevent deportation of illegal immigrants. 17 The center operates a range of programs designed to prevent deportations and help undocumented immigrants gain asylum status, refugee status, work visas, or permanent residency. 17
Community Justice Inc. is a left-of-center non-profit Wisconsin law firm that provides legal representation for lower income and allegedly underrepresented people. 18
- Main Page. Lawyers for Learners. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Available Legal Help. Lawyers for Learners. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- “Ascendium assists legal aid program with expanding access to free legal help.” Ascendium Education Group. June 2022. Accessed May 19, 2024. ascendium-assists-legal-aid-program-with -expanding-access-to-free-legal-help/
- School and Community Partners. Lawyers for Learners. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Legal Partners. Lawyers for Learners. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- What We Do. Ascendium Education Group. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- “Home.” Ascendium Philanthropy. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- “Ascendium Education Group.” Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Legal Services – Student Life. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Legal Assistance. Wisconsin State Law Library. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- “Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, Lawyers for Learners offer expungement of records clinic at JWCC.” Muddy River News. March 14, 2023. Accessed May 19, 2024. illinois/quincy/land-of-lincoln-legal-aid-lawyers-for-learners-offer-expungement-of-records-clinic-at-jwcc/20230314065546/
- Free, Confidential Legal Help for Wisconsin Students. Lawyers for Learners. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Sharif, Noreen. “Madison woman’s past haunted her. Free legal help changed her life.” The Cap Times. September 4, 2023. Accessed May 19, 2024. -changed-her-life/article _bb8271ef-f3d0-5a42-a846-4fd33f3c2387.html
- “Gov. Evers granted pardons to the following people.” Granicus, August 5, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2024. /Pardons8.5.2022_%281%29.pdf
- Madison College Legal Studies/Paralegal Program. American Bar Association. February 16, 2023. Accessed May 19, 2024. -access-to-justice-and-pro-bono- work/madison-college-legal-studies-paralegal-program/
- Home. Ascendium Education Group. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Community Immigration Law Center. GuideStar. Accessed May 19, 2024.
- Home. Community Justice Inc. Accessed May 19, 2024.