Other Group

Institute for Political Ecology (IPE)




Environmental Advocacy Group




Dr. Karin Doolan


Zagreb, Croatia

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Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) is an environmentalist research group based in Croatia that advocates for “degrowth,” or intentional de-industrialization practices and proposals in order to combat climate change. It also advocates on left-of-center economic policies, claiming that environmental policies may “reduce or magnify social inequalities and influence power relations.” 1

IPE has received grants from several left-of-center organizations including George Soros’s Open Society Founations (OSF). 2


Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) is an environmentalist research group based in Croatia that advocates “degrowth,” or intentional de-industrialization in order to combat climate change. It also advocates in favor of left-of-center economic policies,  claiming that environmental policies may “reduce or magnify social inequalities and influence power relations.” 1

IPE was formed in November 2015, debuting during a day-long conferenced called “Climate Justice: perspectives of natural and social sciences” held at the Journalist House in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was hosted by researchers from several fields, including social scientists who spoke about the “social impacts” of climate change. 3


The Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) develops research, conducts analysis, and produces reports on environmentalist topics while engaging with other climate-centered research groups during conferences and educational projects. 1

IPE hosts the Green Academy networking platform for climate change-focused groups, scholars, and activist movements. 1

IPE operates several research projects related to studying “degrowth” as well as transitioning from fossil fuels. These include ToBe, GREENPATHS, Degrowth Donut, Just Transition in the European Car Industry, mPOWER, Crochet, and Democratisation of Public Services. 4 IPE’s “degrowth” philosophy supports anti-industrial policies and regulations in order to fight against climate change as well as other policies meant to promote wealth redistributionism and the “democratization” (meaning nationalization) of critical energy industries. 5

One of its environmentalist projects, Degrowth Donut, includes a digital module that visually represents the changes needed to achieve IPE’s definition of climate and resource equity. 6


Institute for Political Ecology’s (IPEs) partners include Active Citizens Fund, Green European Foundation, the European Commission, FundAction, and the Guerrilla Foundation. 1 IPE is promoted by the International Degrowth Network. 7


Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) has received several grants from left-of-center organizations including George SorosOpen Society Foundations (OSF). OSF grants to IPE include $129,100 in 2016, $103,587 in 2019, $80,000 in 2021, and $30,000 in 2023. 2


Karin Doolan of the University of Zadar is the president of Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) as of 2024. Its Academic Council is comprised of Danijela Dolenec of the University of Zagreb, Giovanni Allegreti of the University of Coimbra, Brannon Andersen of Furman University, Saki Bailey of Gothenburg University, John Barry of Queen’s University Belfast, Lucka Kajfez Bogataj of the University of Ljubljana, Giorgos Kallis of Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Drazen Simlesa of the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar. 8


  1. “About IPE.” Institute for Political Ecology. Accessed October 13, 2024. http://ipe.hr/en/ipe/about-ipe/.
  2. “Awarded Grants – Institute for Political Ecology.” Open Society Foundations. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/past?filter_keyword=Institute+for+Political+Ecology&grant_id=OR2016-29464.
  3. “The Institute for Political Ecology was founded.” Pucka pravobraniteljica. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.ombudsman.hr/hr/osnovan-institut-za-politicku-ekologiju/.
  4. “Projects.” Institute for Political Ecology. Accessed October 13, 2024. http://ipe.hr/en/projects/.
  5. “Topics.” Institute for Political Ecology. Accessed October 13, 2024. http://ipe.hr/en/topics/.
  6. “Degrowth Donut.” Institute for Political Ecology. Accessed October 13, 2024. http://ipe.hr/en/degrowth-donut/.
  7. “Institute for Political Ecology.” International Degrowth Network. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://degrowth.net/organisations/institute-for-political-ecology/.
  8. “People.” Institute for Political Ecology. Accessed October 13, 2024. http://ipe.hr/en/ipe/people/.
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