Other Group

Gender Justice LA




Los Angeles, CA


Transgender Advocacy



Executive Director:

Ezak Perez

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Gender Justice L.A. (GJLA) is a transgender advocacy and community support group active in the greater Los Angeles area. In 2022, GJLA served 24,000 individuals with in-person and online sessions, and hosted over 60 events. That year, the organization had eight employees. 1

GJLA planned to raise funds for a new office and community center over the course of 2023. As of April, the organization had raised $2,590 out of its $20,000 goal. 2


In its own words, Gender Justice LA is “rooted in the unique social justice landscape of Los Angeles.” The group seeks mutual gender, racial, and economic “liberation” achieved through an “intersectional lens” that specifically focuses on supporting low-income racial minority transgender individuals. This support includes activism for cheaper health care, “freedom from bigotry, harassment, and violence,” more opportunities in education and employment, and the establishment of “safe spaces” for mental, physical, and spiritual health. 3


Out Against Big Tobacco Coalition

The Out Against Big Tobacco Coalition is a partnership with the Equality California Institute opposing the use of tobacco products, which Gender Justice LA claims have been historically targeted at LGBT individuals. The Coalition asks California politicians to refuse to take campaign contributions from tobacco companies. As of April 2023, signatories to the Coalition’s cause included three California Senators and three California Assemblymen, all of whom are Democrats. 4 5

Justice L.A. Coalition

Gender Justice L.A. Coalition works to reduce government spending on prisons, and claims to have stopped a $3.5 billion expansion of Los Angeles County prisons since the Coalition’s establishment in 2017. 4


GJLA launched a petition requesting that the California government spend $38.5 million in the 2022-2023 fiscal year to combat an outbreak of mpox (formerly known as “monkeypox”), provide reimbursements for vaccination, and establish government-mandated paid leave and financial support for those made ill by the virus. Signatories of the petition include Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and the NARAL Pro-Choice California Foundation. 6

Food4All Campaign

GJLA’s Food4All Campaign works with Nourish California to support a bill that would expand the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) to serve all illegal immigrants. 7


#Out4MentalHealth is a campaign to increase the provision of mental health resources for LGBT individuals both from the government and civil society. 4

Transmasculine Health Justice LA

Transmasculine Health Justice LA is a project of Gender Justice LA focused on research and health resources for people who transition to a more-masculine gender identification. 8


In March 2021, a University of California Los Angeles research study on the “neurobiological underpinnings of gender dysphoria” was halted after Gender Justice LA and the California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network released a joint-statement condemning the study for potentially causing mental distress to its subjects. The organization objected to the study subjecting participants to be photographed from the neck-down and undergoing the “body morph” test consisting of looking at isolated photos of various parts of their own body while undergoing brain scans. The organizations also claimed that brain scans and comparable scientific research would not help the transgender community. 9

In October 2021, GJLA supported an employee walkout at Netflix in protest against the platform releasing a stand-up comedy special by Dave Chappelle in which he was perceived to have made transphobic jokes. A GJLA spokesperson also criticized Netflix for allegedly not producing enough content created by transgender and non-binary individuals: “I don’t know why they don’t think that TGI [transgender, gender-nonconforming, intersex] lives are capable of [drawing as many viewers as someone like Chappelle].” 10


  1. “End of Year Report (2022).” Gender Justice L.A. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://gjla.nationbuilder.com/end_of_year_report_2022.
  2. “Help GenderJustice LA Transition into our NEW Center.” Gender Justice LA. Accessed April 1, 2023. https://gjla.networkforgood.com/projects/181036-help-gender-justice-la-open-up-our-new-center-in-2023.
  3. [1] “Gender Justice Los Angeles.” Gender Justice LA. Accessed April 1, 2023. https://gjla.nationbuilder.com/team.
  4. “Coalition.” Gender Justice L.A. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://gjla.nationbuilder.com/coalitions.
  5. “Pledge: Kick Big Tobacco Out Of California Politics.” Equality California. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://www.eqca.org/kickbigtobaccoout/.
  6. “Petitions & Press Releases.” Gender Justice L.A. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://gjla.nationbuilder.com/petitions_and_press_releases.
  7. [1] “Coalition.” Gender Justice L.A. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://gjla.nationbuilder.com/coalitions
  8. Reyes, Emily Alpert; Newberry, Laura; Gomez, Melissa; Nelson, Laura J. “New attacks from right alarm LGBTQ communities: ‘We’re taking steps backward’.” The Los Angeles Times. April 26, 2022. Accessed April 1, 2023. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-04-26/anti-lgbtq-legislation-texas-florida-troubles-queer-trans-la-residents.
  9. Grant, Kara. “Brain Imaging Study Paused After LGBTQ+ Advocates Complain.” Medpage Today. March 1, 2021. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91423.
  10. Da Costa, Cassie. “Who Was The Netflix Walkout Really For?” Vanity Fair. October 21, 2021. Accessed April 1, 2023. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/10/who-was-the-netflix-walkout-really-for.
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Gender Justice LA

Los Angeles, CA