Other Group

Elk Hills Research




Washington, DC


Research Firm




Jamie Crooks and Brennan Bilberry

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Elk Hills Research is an organization based in Washington, D.C., that conducts research and engages in political strategy in support of environmental protection laws, against corporate mergers, and in favor of left-of-center environmental, social, governance (ESG) principles. 1 2 The firm was founded by Jamie Crooks, a self-described liberal and clerk for former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, and Brennan Bilberry, a former deputy executive director for Democratic Party-aligned Super PAC Priorities USA. 3 4 5 6


Elk Hills Research is a team of left-of-center researchers, political strategists, and lawyers combatting alleged corporate wrongdoing and industry consolidation while fighting for left-of-center environmental, social, and economic justice principles. The organization’s most recent publicly listed work was completed in 2021. 7

In January 2021, Elk Hills Research produced an amicus brief on behalf of the American Medical Association, the California Medical Association, and other public health associations filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The brief argued in favor of COVID-19 panndemic-era eviction moratoriums as a method to reduce the spread of illness by decreasing homelessness and allowing the easier implementation of lockdowns and the isolation of those exposed to COVID-19. The brief also argued that underserved populations and communities of color are disproportionately impacted by inequities in the housing and public health systems. 8

Also in January 2021, Elk Hills Research supported the United Farm Workers’ request for an injunction  against Foster Farms in Livingston, California, to force the farm to adhere to COVID-19 government health mandates. 9

In March 2020, Elk Hills Research joined with Forest Peoples Programme to file a complaint with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) against Golden Agri-Resources (GAR). The complaint alleged GAR violated both RSPO standards and Indonesian law by operating oil palm plantations within an environmental protection zone within Indonesia. Elk Hills Research and Forest Peoples Programme used satellite imagery to allege that GAR was unlawfully producing palm oil on 75,000 hectares of land. When the complaint was filed, Elk Hills Research co-founder Jamie Crooks called on investors who adopt left-of-center environmental, social, and governance objectives to more proactively engage with the companies in which they invest, saying, “It’s time for investors who are serious about ESG to move from mere passive avoidance to more active engagement, either by demanding that problematic companies change their practices or, if necessary, by exposing flagrant violations of environmental and good-governance laws.” 10



Elk Hill Research was founded by Jamie Crooks and Brennan Bilberry. 11

Crooks is also a managing partner at Fairmark Partners LLP, an antitrust, consumer protection, and racial justice law firm. From 2015 to 2017, Crooks worked as an associate at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, where he focused on appellate litigation on white collar, cyber security, administrative, and regulatory issues. From July 2014 to July 2015 Crooks was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. From June 2013 to June 2014, Crooks was a clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. 12 In 2020, Crooks argued on CNN that packing the Supreme Court with nominees from a Democratic president would be constitutional and based on established precedent. 13 That same year, Crooks published an op-ed in the New York Times with Samir Deger-Sen, another former clerk for Justice Anthony Kennedy, arguing that confirming then-President Donald Trump’s appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court “threatens the very legitimacy of the court” that mean the “earned legitimacy [of the court] will be put in jeopardy.” In the piece, Crooks described himself and his co-author as liberals. 14

Bilberry likewise works for Fairmark Partners LLP as a partner while working at Elk Hill Research. On LinkedIn, Bilberry is listed as the principal of Elk Hills Research. From 2014 to 2017, Bilberry was the vice president and head of public affairs for the Messina Group, a Democratic political consultancy run by operative Jim Messina. From 2012 to 2013, he worked for then-Viginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D). From 2011 to 2012, Bilberry was the deputy executive director for Priorities USA, a major Super PAC associated with supporting Democratic Party candidates and opposing Republican candidates backed by Democratic operatives like Messina. 15


  1. “Large scale bribery and illegal land-use violations alleged on large parts of Golden Agri Resources palm oil plantations.” Forest Peoples Programme. March 20, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.forestpeoples.org/en/palm-oil-rspo/press-release/2020/large-scale-bribery-and-illegal-land-use-violations-alleged-large.
  2. “Elk Hills Research.” Elk Hills Research. March 7, 2024. https://www.elkhillsresearch.com/.
  3. “Large scale bribery and illegal land-use violations alleged on large parts of Golden Agri Resources palm oil plantations.” Forest Peoples Programme. March 20, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.forestpeoples.org/en/palm-oil-rspo/press-release/2020/large-scale-bribery-and-illegal-land-use-violations-alleged-large.
  4. Crooks, Jamie and Samir Deger-Sen. “We Were Clerks at the Supreme Court. Its Legitimacy Is Now In Question.” New York Times. October 25, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/25/opinion/supreme-court-amy-coney-barrett.html.
  5. “Brennan B.” LinkedIn. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bilberrybrennan/.
  6. “James Crooks (He/Him).” LinkedIn. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-crooks-b829582a/
  7. “Elk Hills Research.” Elk Hills Research. March 7, 2024. https://www.elkhillsresearch.com/.
  8. “BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATIONS AND PROFESSIONALS IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES.. Squarespce.com. January 21, 2021. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f760614725f637c503aac8b/t/6036caf7e2592b6d3c85c155/1614203639903/2021-01-21+Submitted+%5Bdckt+%5D+%281%29+%282%29.pdf.
  9. Sherman, Jocelyn. “UFW Wins Injunction Forcing Foster Farms to Protect Workers from COVID.” UFW. January 30, 2021. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://ufw.org/foster12921/.
  10. “Large scale bribery and illegal land-use violations alleged on large parts of Golden Agri Resources palm oil plantations.” Forest Peoples Programme. March 20, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.forestpeoples.org/en/palm-oil-rspo/press-release/2020/large-scale-bribery-and-illegal-land-use-violations-alleged-large.
  11.  “Large scale bribery and illegal land-use violations alleged on large parts of Golden Agri Resources palm oil plantations.” Forest Peoples Programme. March 20, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.forestpeoples.org/en/palm-oil-rspo/press-release/2020/large-scale-bribery-and-illegal-land-use-violations-alleged-large.
  12. “James Crooks (He/Him).” LinkedIn. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-crooks-b829582a/
  13. “Jamie Crooks of Elk Hills Research on CNN Newsroom With Jon Vause discussing Supreme Court reforms.” YouTube. October 7, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAjlvPTchfU&t=1s.
  14.  Crooks, Jamie and Samir Deger-Sen. “We Were Clerks at the Supreme Court. Its Legitimacy Is Now In Question.” New York Times. October 25, 2020. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/25/opinion/supreme-court-amy-coney-barrett.html.
  15. “Brennan B.” LinkedIn. Accessed March 7, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bilberrybrennan/.
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Elk Hills Research

Washington, DC