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Black Mama’s Bail Out


Activist Coalition



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Black Mama’s Bail Out is a left-of-center activist coalition dedicated to releasing Black women from jail. Founded in 2017, the coalition includes Movement for Black Lives, Color of Change, Southerners on New Ground, Law for Black Lives, SisterSong, and Dream Defenders. Black Mama’s Bail Out also inspired local initiatives under the same name in Michigan, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. organized by groups including Out for Justice and Advancement Project.

The coalition has spent over $2 million to cover bail for over 300 detainees and was endorsed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). 1

Founding and Member Organizations

Black Mama’s Bail Out was founded in January 2017 during a meeting between fourteen different groups working under the Black Lives Matter banner, including Movement for Black Lives and Color of Change. The idea to create an organization to strategically pay bail for Black women accused of crimes was created by Mary Hooks, an organizer for Southerners on New Ground. 2

The coalition is coordinated by National Bail Out Collective, which aligns itself with “black Queer feminism.” 3 The largest known funder is Essie Justice Group. 4 Other member organizations include Law for Black Lives, SisterSong, and Dream Defenders. 5

The coalition inspired a variety of local initiatives under the same name. Immediately after the formation of Black Mama’s Bail Out, a group of organizations in Washington D.C. and Baltimore founded a local coalition called #FreeBlackMamasDMV, which included Life After Release, Out for Justice, and Harriet’s Wildest Dreams. 6 In 2021, Michigan Liberation and Advancement Project jointly created the “Black Mamas Bail Out Fund” to pay bails in Detroit and broader southeast Michigan. 7 In 2022, Black Mothers in Power and Wilmington Freedom Alliance partnered for a “Black Mamas Bail Out” initiative in Delaware. 8

Alicia Sanchez Gill, the executive director of Emergent Fund, previously organized for the coalition. 9


As of 2019, the coalition had bailed out over 300 people, paying $985,000 in bail. 2 In 2021, Essie Justice Group reported spending $250,000 to pay two bails in California. 10 The following year, Essie reported $808,000 for three bails. 4

In 2020, the coalition was endorsed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). 1


  1. Rashida Talib. “Michigan Black Mama’s Bail Out Coalition Fundraiser.” Facebook. May 10, 2020. https://m.facebook.com/RashidaForCongress/videos/michigan-black-mamas-bailout-coalition-fundraiser/243763237037896/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos.
  2. Taryn Finley. “Activists Bail Out Black Moms for Mother’s Day for Third Year In a Row.” HuffPost. May 12, 2019. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/black-mamas-bailout_n_5cd6f38ee4b0705e47dd0ae5.
  3. “History of Black Mama’s Bail Out.” National Bail Out Collective. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.nationalbailout.org/history.
  4. “The Community Care Blueprint in Action! — Black Mama’s Bail Out 2022.” Essie Justice Group. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://essiejusticegroup.org/2022/05/the-community-care-blueprint-in-action-black-mamas-bail-out-2022/.
  5. Mariame Kaba. “For Mother’s Day, Activists Are Bailing Black Mamas Out of Jail.” Vice. May 10, 2017. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.vice.com/en/article/paegbb/for-mothers-day-activists-are-bailing-black-mamas-out-of-jail.
  6. “Who We Are.” Free Black Mamas DMV. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.dmvbailout.com/who-we-are.
  7. Olivia Lewis. “Effort underway to help mothers who can’t afford bail.” BridgeDetroit. May 8, 2021. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.bridgedetroit.com/effort-underway-to-help-mothers-who-cant-afford-bail/.
  8. “2022 Black Mamas Bail Out.” Black Mothers in Power. April 18, 2022. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.blackmothersinpower.org/press/black-mothers-in-power-and-wilmington-freedom-alliance-have-partnered-to-raise-money-to-bail-out-black-mamas-and-black-femmes-in-delaware-for-mothers-day-2022.
  9. “Our People’s Bios.” Emergent Fund. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://www.emergentfund.net/our-people-bios
  10.  “’We Come for Ours!’ — Black Mama’s Bail Out 2021.” Essie Justice Group. Accessed February 20, 2024. https://essiejusticegroup.org/2021/06/black-mamas-bail-out-2021/.
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