Other Group

Association for Advancement of Maryland Public Schools (AAMPS)


School Advocacy

Executive Director:

Brian Kramer

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The Association for Advancement of Maryland Public Schools (AAMPS) is an organization that advocates for the improvement of the public schools in Maryland by reducing school overcrowding and forming districts based on racial diversity. 1


The Association for Advancement of Maryland Public Schools (AAMPS) is not a formal organization. It became known when its executive director alluded to its existence during public and written testimony presented to the Montgomery County, Maryland school board. 2


Association for Advancement of Maryland Public Schools was mentioned in Luke Rosiak’s book Race to the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education. Rosiak quoted Brian Kramer, its 17-year old executive director, thanking Jill Ortman-Fouse for her efforts developing a policy document that would have the effect of requiring Montgomery County schools to draw boundaries primarily around race. 3 4

AAMPS via its executive director advocated its support for Maryland House Bill 192 that would have extended voting rights for the Baltimore County student school board member which passed the legislature but was vetoed by then-Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R). 5 6

The executive director advocated for a “kids ride free” program in Montgomery County, like an existing one available in Washington, D.C. The policy stipulates that students who live two miles or more away from their school ride free, forcing those closer to school to financially sustain the bus program. 7


Brian Kramer is the executive director of AAMPS. This was revealed through a claim originally made while testifying at a Montgomery County public school board meeting, but was dropped in later testimony. 1

As of 2022, Kramer was board secretary of Empowering the Ages (ETA), and a student at American University in Washington, D.C. 8

ETA is an organization whose board includes Jill Ortman-Fouse and connects those over 50 years of age with students and their families to encourage education and community involvement. 9


  1. Montgomery County Board of Education boarddocs® plus. Accessed December 16, 2022. https://www.boarddocs.com/mabe/mcpsmd/Board.nsf/files/BA2J534B1775/$file/Brian%20Kramer.pdf.
  2. “Montgomery County Board of Education Boarddocs.” Accessed January 9, 2023. https://www.boarddocs.com/mabe/mcpsmd/Board.nsf/files/BA2J534B1775/$file/Brian%20Kramer.pdf.
  3. Rosiak, Luke. “Child Activists.” In Race to the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education, 161–62. New York, NY: Broadside Books, 2022.
  4. “How Students in Montgomery County Are Leading the Push for School Redistricting.” WAMU, April 2, 2019. https://wamu.org/story/19/04/02/how-students-in-montgomery-county-are-leading-the-push-for-school-redistricting/
  5. “I Maryland Is Well Known for Having Student School Board Members, with …” Accessed December 16, 2022. https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/cmte_testimony/2022/wam/18imbYbokXXk2ILda9PqbyPm6P-aNGJwu.pdf.
  6. “Maryland HB192: 2022: Regular Session.” LegiScan. Accessed December 19, 2022. https://legiscan.com/MD/bill/HB192/2022.
  7. Brian Kramer (Guest Contributor),  Zoe Tishaev (Guest Contributor) May 17. “Montgomery County Should Let Kids Ride Free to School.” Greater Greater Washington, May 17, 2019. https://ggwash.org/view/72148/montgomery-county-should-let-kids-ride-free-to-school.
  8. “Brian Kramer.” Empowering the Ages, September 9, 2022. https://empoweringtheages.org/board/brian-kramer/.
  9. “Board.” Empowering the Ages, November 3, 2022. https://empoweringtheages.org/board/.
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