VOCAL-KY is a left-of-center advocacy group that promotes policy for social and economic justice while advocating solutions towards stopping mass incarceration, providing affordable housing, and HIV/AIDS prevention. 1
The group campaigns on community issues by promoting housing rights, reforming the state of Kentucky’s criminal justice system, expanding access to affordable housing, and implementing harm reduction services such as syringe exchanges and overdose prevention programs. 2
VOCAL-KY’s work focuses on community organizing and civic engagement, 3 while its activism includes lobbying for Medicaid expansion as well as proving opportunities for incarcerated individuals such as access to health care and stable housing. 4
Shameka Parrish-Wright is the executive director of VOCAL-KY, serving in the position since 2022. 5 6 Prior to this, Wright worked as a partnership and advocacy manager for nonprofit group Bail Project from 2019 to 2022. 7 8
On August 15, 2024, VOCAL-KY activists voiced opposition to Kentucky House Bill 5 (HB5) which outlawed camping and sleeping in public spaces. 9 Vocal-KY executive director Shameka Parrish-Wright claimed, “we have law enforcement that’s connecting people to services and care…but the aggressiveness in the way that law enforcement has been using to target people, we cannot watch that happen.” 9
- VOCAL-KY. “About Us.” Accessed September 24, 2024. https://vocal-ky.org/about-us/.
- Prison Policy Initiative. “Kentucky Profile.” Accessed September 24, 2024. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/KY.html#:~:text=Kentucky%20has%20an%20incarceration%20rate,than%20any%20democracy%20on%20earth.
- Kentucky Lantern. “Kentucky Bill Decriminalizing Fentanyl Test Strips Heads to Governor’s Desk.” Kentucky Lantern, March 16, 2023. https://kentuckylantern.com/briefs/kentucky-bill-decriminalizing-fentanyl-test-strips-heads-to-governors-desk/
- Kentucky Chamber. “House Passes Bill to Ensure Quality Recovery Housing in Kentucky.” The Bottom Line, March 7, 2023. https://kychamberbottomline.com/2023/03/07/house-passes-bill-to-ensure-quality-recovery-housing-in-kentucky/.
- Shameka Parrish-Wright, LinkedIn profile, accessed September 24, 2024, https://www.linkedin.com/in/shameka-parrish-wright-b58432b/.
- VOCAL-KY, “About Us,” accessed September 24, 2024, https://www.vocal-ky.org/about.
- LinkedIn. “Shameka Parrish-Wright.” Accessed September 24, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shameka-parrish-wright-b58432b/.
- The Bail Project. “Vision.” Accessed September 24, 2024. https://bailproject.org/vision/.
- Spectrum News 1. “VOCAL-KY Marks 2 Years Since Offering Roadmap to Reduce Overdose Deaths.” August 15, 2024. https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/08/15/vocal-ky-marks-2-years-since-offering-roadmap-to-reduce-overdose-deaths.