
Not My Generation


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Cleveland, Ohio 8


  1. “Not My Generation.” Pro Publica. Accessed July 6, 2022.

2019 3

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Not My Generation is a college-age-oriented gun-control organization that also supports the abolition of police and prisons as a long-term goal. 1 The organization began in response to a 2018 mass shooting at a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, synagogue. 2


Not My Generation is a youth-focused gun-control advocacy group that also supports abolishing police and prisons. 1

The organization adopted its name because it wants to be the “become the last generation to pass along the American gun violence epidemic to the next generation,” and to “never have to apologize to the next generation for giving up in the fight against gun violence.” 2

Not My Generation says the group is about “believing deeply in a world free from police, prisons, and state-sanctioned violence.” It calls police and prisons a product of “racial capitalism” and suggests they are “intimately related to all types of gun violence.” The solution to gun violence, the organization says, is “working instead towards a future that centers rehabilitation, community, love, and justice.” 1

The group claims to consist of “intersectional coalitions in partnership with youth organizers in cities and communities across the country.” 3

Not My Generation has partnered with the New Voters Project, Meddling Kids Movement, Triangle People Power, Youth Over Guns, National Youth Rights Association, Greater Good Initiative, Generation Ratify, and Activized Film. 4


In October 2018, a mass shooter killed 11 people at a Jewish congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After that, University of Pittsburgh student Kathryn Fleisher, a gun control organizer since 2015, created Not My Generation to campaign to young people with gun control advocacy. 2

Not My Generation began with just Fleisher in Pittsburgh but expanded into 40 people across the country by late 2021. 5

Not My Generation grew into a national organization operating in 15 states that focused on “localized, intersectional gun violence prevention advocacy.” 6

In 2019, Not My Generation hosted the National Summit for Young Adults Against Gun Violence in Washington, D.C. with 125 young gun control activists and organizers from across the country. 2

The organization further spearheaded the creation of a De-Policing Gun Violence Prevention Policy Playbook in partnership with other advocacy groups. 2


Kathryn Fleisher is the executive director of Not My Generation. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and has campaigned in favor of gun control since 2015 at age 16. She is also a 2020 Harry S. Truman Scholar and former Giffords Courage Fellow. 7 5


  1. “Mission and Vision.” Not My Generation. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  2. “History.” Not My Generation. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  3. “Not My Generation.” LinkedIn. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  4. “Our Partners.” Not My Generation. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  5. Hughes, Alex, et al. “Kathryn Fleisher is Leading Her Generation’s Movement in Anti-Gun Violence Activism.” In the Know. October 22, 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  6. [1] “History.” Not My Generation. Accessed July 6, 2022.
  7. ”Meet Our Team.” Not My Generation. Accessed November 20, 2022.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: July 1, 2020

  • Available Filings

    No filings available.