The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is a left-of-center nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., that advocates for multicultural education and social justice in all levels of education. NAME was founded in 1991 as an outgrowth of the Association of Teacher Educators, and its membership includes professors, teachers, counselors, and other school personnel. 1
NAME has said that teachers and students must “critically analyze oppression and power relations in their communities, society, and the world,” and that multicultural education “prepares all students to work actively toward structural equality in organizations and institutions by providing the knowledge, dispositions, and skills for the redistribution of power and income among diverse groups.” 2 NAME has also criticized attempts to ban or restrict the teaching of critical race theory in public schools, saying that efforts to do so are “intentional white supremacy” and “continue the white supremacist platform that President Donald Trump elevated.” 3
Multicultural Education
National Association for Multicultural Education’s mission is to promote multicultural education in all levels of education. NAME asserts that multicultural education is “the belief that students and their life histories and experiences should be placed at the center of the teaching and learning process and that pedagogy should occur in a context that is familiar to students and that addresses multiple ways of thinking. In addition, teachers and students must critically analyze oppression and power relations in their communities, society and the world.” 2
The organization says that school curriculums must “directly address issues of racism, sexism, classism, linguicism, ablism, ageism, heterosexism, religious intolerance, and xenophobia,” and school staff should be “culturally competent.” 2 In addition, NAME says that “Multicultural education is a process that permeates all aspects of school practices, policies and organization,” and it “prepares all students to work actively toward structural equality in organizations and institutions by providing the knowledge, dispositions, and skills for the redistribution of power and income among diverse groups.” 2 The organization says that “equality and equity are not the same thing.” 2
Support for Critical Race Theory
In a list of its position statements on its websites, NAME states that it opposes efforts by states to bar critical race theory from being taught in state schools. The organization says, “Banning CRT (and any other antiracist terms that promote the idea of racial equity) has been made into a white supremacist rallying cry, reflecting a larger movement against people of color, and especially Black and Indigenous people.” 3 NAME states that efforts to ban critical race theory are “intentional white supremacy” and “continue the white supremacist platform that President Donald Trump elevated.” 3 NAME has claimed that CRT is “not taught in schools, colleges, or universities,” and is only taught in graduate education. 3
Rose Duhon-Sells is the founder of the National Association for Multicultural Education, and its executive director is Charlene Lui. Lisa Zagumny is the president of the board of directors. 4
In the 2020 fiscal year, the National Association for Multicultural Education had $206,348 in total revenue and $185,617 in total expenses. 5 In the 2019 fiscal year, NAME had $360,727 in total revenue and $323,385 in total expenses. 5 At the end of the 2020 fiscal year, NAME’s total assets were $552,073, and its total liabilities were $14,545. 5
- National Association for Multicultural Education. “About NAME.” Accessed May 22, 2023.
- National Association for Multicultural Education. “Definitions of Multicultural Education.” Accessed May 22, 2023.
- National Association for Multicultural Education. “Statement on Critical Race Theory.” Accessed May 22, 2023.
- National Association for Multicultural Education. “NAME Board of Directors.” Accessed May 22, 2023.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). National Association for Multicultural Education. Part I. Accessed May 22, 2023.