Consumer Watchdog Campaign (also known as the Consumer Watchdog Campaign – Yes on 61) was a 2016 ballot measure advocacy group affiliated with Consumer Watchdog, a California-based left-of-center nonprofit advocacy group founded by public interest lawyer Harvey Rosenfield. 1
The Campaign was designed to support California’s failed Proposition 61 in 2016, which aimed to have the state regulate drug prices by forcing state agencies to pay the same prices that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) paid. 2
Consumer Watchdog was founded in 1985. 3 Over the course of its existence, it has pursued numerous litigation and advocacy efforts on behalf of what it calls “consumer protection,” namely left-progressive campaigns against corporations. Its general policy platform has been to increasingly regulate the free market and to raise taxes. 4
Californians for Lower Drug Prices had contributed $75,000 to Consumer Watchdog Campaign according to tax filings. 5
Consumer Watchdog’s executive director Carmen Balber was the Campaign’s treasurer. 6
- “Harvey Rosenfield.” Consumer Watchdog. Accessed 26 February 2022.
- “Consumer Watchdog Campaign.” Ballotpedia. Accessed 26 February 2022.
- “Harvey Rosenfield.” Consumer Watchdog. Accessed 26 February 2022.
- “Our Books. Consumer Watchdog. Accessed 26 February 2022.
- “Schedule A – Monetary Contributions Received.” Recipient Committee Campaign Statement – Consumer Watchdog Campaign. Accessed 26 February 2022.
- “Consumer Watchdog Campaign.” Ballotpedia. Accessed 26 February 2022.