
350 Kishwaukee


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350 Kishwaukee is an Illinois-based child organization of, a left-of-center environmentalist organization that advocates for the banning of all conventional fuels. 350 Kishwaukee has advocated for policies to divest entirely from conventional fuel companies, ban natural gas fracking, and prevent the construction of any new oil pipelines in North America. 1


350 Kishwaukee advocates for environmentalist policy by holding monthly meetings and providing resources to activists. Its website directs users to external resources about environmentalism, petitions in support of environmentalist policy implementation, and resources advocating for total divestment from conventional fuels. 1

350 Kishwaukee’s presentations from its monthly meetings are posted on its website, providing detailed recommendations in support of left-of-center environmentalist policy and advocacy strategy. 2


Bonnie Amesquita is a content creator for 350 Kishwaukee’s website. She is an English professor at Northern Illinois University. 3

Amelia Diehl is also a content creator for 350 Kishwaukee’s website. As a communications coordinator for the Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice Network, Diehl has worked extensively in favor of left-of-center environmentalist and social policy. In addition to her environmentalist activism, Diehl has advocated for the abolition of all prisons. 4


350 Kishwaukee is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its financial data is not publicly available, as it reported less than $25,000 a year in gross receipts as of February 2021. 5


  1. 350Kishwaukee. Accessed January 29, 2021.
  2. “350 Kishwaukee Presentations.” 350Kishwaukee. Accessed January 29, 2021.
  3. Amesquita, Bonnie. “Bonnie Amesquita.” RSS. Northern public Radio, December 16, 2015.
  4. “Amelia Diehl.” SustainUS. Accessed January 29, 2021.
  5. 350 Kishwaukee (EIN: 47-5356643); IRS Tax Exempt Organizations Search; 2019; Queries conducted January 28, 2021,%20DETERMINATIONLETTERS,%20EPOSTCARD&orgTags=CHARITIES&orgTags=DETERMINATIONLETTERS&orgTags=EPOSTCARD
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