Government Agency

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)



Rockville, MD




Government Agency

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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its role is to research health care in the United States to inform the federal government’s efforts to make health care “safer, higher quality, accessible, equitable, and affordable.” 1 The agency works with non-governmental institutions and often gives grants to research centers that end up influencing federal policy. 2


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality was formally established when it was renamed in 1999 pursuant to the Healthcare Research and Quality Act. 2 It was formerly known as the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. 3

It is one of twelve agencies within HHS and supports research that will inform the U.S. healthcare system, covering topics such as health care quality improvement, health information technology, evidence-based medicine, disease prevention, healthcare data collection, patient-centered care, and patient safety. It is located in Rockville, Maryland. 4


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has been described as the health services research arm of HHS. It primarily operates as a research center that analyzes the United States health care system to produce reports on four major areas: quality improvement and patient safety, outcomes and effectiveness of care, clinical practice and technology assessment, and healthcare organization and delivery systems. AHRQ conducts its own research projects and provides funding and technical assistance to other institutions that research healthcare. 2

AHRQ not only works with public institutions but also spends tax dollars on private institutions and other non-accountable groups to “build the knowledge base for what works” in healthcare. Many of the research projects it farms out to its private partners and non-governmental institutions ends up influencing U.S. health care policy. 2


According to the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, its final operating budget for fiscal year 2022 totaled more than $445 million, with $350 million of its revenue deriving from the federal government budget authority and $105 million coming from a transfer from its Patient Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund. 5

Beyond research, AHRQ is a major funder of health service research centers at various universities and similar institutions. 2


As of 2022, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality had seven offices: Office of the Director (as of August 2022, Robert Otto Valdez); Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement; Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends; Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety; Office of Communications; Office of Extramural Research, Education and Priority Populations; and Office of Management Services. 6


  1. “Mission and Budget.” Content last reviewed May 2022. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
  2. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.” Federal Register. Accessed August 8, 2022.
  3. [1] “Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.” LinkedIn. Accessed August 5, 2022.
  4. “Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.” LinkedIn. Accessed August 5, 2022.
  5. “Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2022.” Content last reviewed May 2022. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
  6. “Offices and Centers.” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Accessed August 8, 2022.
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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Rockville, MD