Search results for ‘the 2020 election’

  • Non-profit

    National League of Cities

    The National League of Cities (NLC) is a left-leaning network of over 19,000 American communities that engages in federal policy advocacy and leads educational programming on behalf of city governments.
  • Non-profit

    Families USA Action

    Families USA Action is a lobbying group that pushes for left-of-center healthcare policy, especially on Medicaid expansion and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). 44 Families USA Action is the sister organization
  • Non-profit

    American Rights at Work

    American Rights at Work (ARAW) was the advocacy arm of the now defunct left-of-center labor activism group American Rights at Work Education Campaign (ARAWEC). In 2012 it merged with another left-of-center labor organization, Jobs With Justice.
  • Non-profit

    Third Way Institute

    Third Way Institute is the charitable arm of Third Way, a lobbying and advocacy organization that advocates for “modern center-left ideas.” 86 Third Way Institute was founded in 2005 and helps fund the tax-exempt work
  • Political Party/527

    National Organization for Women PAC

    NOW PAC is the political action committee of the social-liberal feminist advocacy group National Organization for Women (NOW). NOW PAC has endorsed over 500 candidates and spent more than $2 million in political contributions for Democrats from 2006-2017.
  • Non-profit

    Young Invincibles

    Young Invincibles (YI) is a left-of-center youth advocacy, research, grantmaking, and lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C. 154 Co-founded in 2009 by Ari Matsuiak, a special assistant to the President during
  • Labor Union

    Writers Guild of America, East (WGA East)

    The Writers Guild of America East (WGA East) is one of two major labor unions representing writers and other staff working in the film, television, news, and other media industries. Along with its partner organization, the Writers Guild of America West (WGA West), WGA East has taken the lead
  • Non-profit

    Workers Center for Racial Justice (WCRJ)

    Workers Center for Racial Justice (WCRJ) is a Chicago-based advocacy organization that promotes a left-of-center, pro-labor-union, and anti-police “Black Liberation” policy agenda on criminal justice, economic, social services, and election access issues.
  • Non-profit

    Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

    The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation was created by Winthrop Rockefeller, the youngest son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who served two two-year terms as governor of Arkansas between 1967 and 1971. The foundation primarily funds social service programs in Arkansas. While Winthrop Rockefeller had served as a Republican, the Foundation vows
  • Non-profit

    Alliance for Gun Responsibility

    The Alliance for Gun Responsibility is an umbrella term for three left-of-center, anti-gun organizations in the state of Washington. 261 The Alliance is comprised of the political advocacy organization
  • Non-profit

    Voces de la Frontera

    Voces de la Frontera is a left-of-center immigration advocacy group based in Wisconsin. The organization is best known for organizing immigrant “general strikes” to protest against the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Voces de la Frontera has led opposition efforts to immigrant deportation, barring illegal immigrants from obtaining driver’s licenses,
  • Labor Union

    Virginia AFL-CIO

    The Virginia AFL-CIO is the state-level body for the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) labor union federation in Virginia. The AFL-CIO is the largest federation of labor unions in the United States, and the Virginia AFL-CIO is the state’s largest federation of labor unions.
  • Labor Union

    Utility Workers Union of America

    The Utility Workers Union of America represents employees working in electrical, gas, water, and nuclear energy industries. The union was founded in the 1940s and is an affiliated member union of the large left-leaning AFL-CIO labor federation. The union claims to represent more than 50,000 individual members across dozens
  • Non-profit

    United Way Worldwide

    United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a philanthropic nonprofit that oversees over 1,800 local United Way groups. UWW and its affiliates are primarily devoted to providing education, healthcare, and income support for low-income individuals. Until 2016, UWW and its affiliates combined took in $5 billion, the most of any charitable federation
  • Labor Union

    United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)

    United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) is a labor union that historically represented miners, though today it also counts health care workers, truck drivers, manufacturing workers, and government employees among its members. UMWA is a member of the AFL-CIO labor federation. History Early Years United Mine Workers of America
  • Labor Union

    United Federation of Teachers (UFT)

    The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is a government worker union representing schoolteachers in New York City. It is an affiliate of the national American Federation of Teachers labor union as AFT Local 2 and the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and is one of the largest local unions
  • Labor Union

    United Educators of San Francisco

    United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) is a teachers’ union that advocates for far-left policies in San Francisco’s public-school system and conducts collective bargaining with the school district. It supports left-of-center racial and identity narratives, making merit-based standardized testing optional, and promoting alternative “forms of student achievement data” that promote
  • Other Group

    Unite the Union

    Unite the Union is a left-of-center labor union, and the largest in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. It is the largest individual donor to the Labour Party, the left-wing major party in the U.K.,
  • Labor Union

    Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

    The Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO is a coalition of 33 unions that advocate for unionized workers and labor unions’ institutional interests in the transportation industry. The TTD tends to support left-of-center economic goals, including increased labor regulations, increased infrastructure spending, opposition to privatization, and support for
  • Non-profit

    American Prospect

    The American Prospect is a left-progressive publication that promotes left-of-center public policy through articles on its website and in print. Founded in 1989 by Robert Kuttner, Paul Starr, and former Clinton administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, the Prospect has received grants from a number of left-of-center