Mi Familia Vota (Spanish for “My Family Votes”) is a left-leaning voter activation and engagement group that seeks to increase the political influence of left-leaning Latino communities by helping immigrants become citizens and increasing Hispanic voter participation. MFV operates in Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida, states which, after New
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is a left-wing litigation and advocacy group focused on immigration, election procedure, and Census and demographic interest issues. Founded in the late 1960s with extensive financial support from the left-wing Ford Foundation which continues through the present day, MALDEF is
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is a left-of-center organization founded in 1929 that advocates on behalf of left-of-center Hispanic interests. LULAC’s initiatives are executed through programming, political advocacy, and individual member participation at the local level. Background LULAC was originally founded in 1929 to combat discrimination and
Ipas is a global abortion advocacy group operating in dozens of countries around the world to support pro-abortion laws, health clinics, and abortion education. Ipas supports left-wing political positions, including late-term abortion, legalizing self-induced abortions, and changing American foreign aid rules to permit the U.S. government to fund organizations that
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJA) is a network of over 60 organizations committed to left-of-center social causes, ranging from environmental activism, to antiracism awareness, feminism, and support for Palestinians. 129 The Alliance’s sister organizations
Doctors for America (DFA), originally named Doctors for Obama, is a left-of-center activist organization that recruits and organizes physicians and medical students to promote left-of-center policies in healthcare. The organization was founded in 2008 by Dr. Vivek Murthy, a staffer for Obama’s New England steering committee
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a large and prominent advocacy organization for Muslims in the United States.201 Throughout its history, CAIR has been suspected of supporting
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nearly 100-year-old left-leaning activism organization focused on issues related to civil liberties. During its history, the ACLU has aligned with the ideological Left, becoming a “hub of liberal activism” which declared its intent to spend $25 million attacking Republican candidates during the
Norman Lear is a television producer who created a number of politically charged television shows, including “All in the Family,” “Maude,” and “The Jeffersons.” 362 Lear is a self-admitted
Michael Kieschnick is the president and CEO of CREDO Mobile, a cellular service company than channels one percent of its revenues into left-of-center causes. Kieschnick has been involved with numerous left-wing groups, including the Real Justice PAC, the League of Women Voters, and NextGen Climate. Kieschnick
Jonathan Soros is a prominent liberal donor. The son of liberal finance billionaire and political donor George Soros, Jonathan spent many years managing his father’s varied financial interests,418 and in
The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is an advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., that conducts research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets. It sprang from a predecessor group called the Institute for Humane Studies of Texas, which was established in 1984.
The Searle Freedom Trust is a private foundation created by Daniel C. Searle, chief executive officer with G.D. Searle, a pharmaceutical company. The trust, which primarily funds center-right public policy organizations, is scheduled to terminate in 2025. Daniel C. Searle Daniel C. Searle was the great-grandson of Gideon Daniel Searle,
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a membership society that hosts programs and publishes scientific studies in the United States. Established by a Congressional charter in 1863, NAS operates as an independent nonprofit organization that advises the federal government on scientific issues and conducts studies on its behalf.
NEO Philanthropy Action Fund (formerly Public Interest Projects Action Fund) is the lobbying and election-related advocacy arm of left-of-center funding pass-through NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects). It provides financial support to left-of-center lobbying and election-related advocacy groups including Asian Americans Advancing Justice, NextGen Climate Action, and
Also see League of Conservation Voters (nonprofit) The League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCVEF) is the educational arm of the League of Conservation Voters, an environmentalist advocacy group that endorses left-wing candidates for public office. It seeks to educate the public on environmental issues and build support
The National Jobs for All Coalition is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Lynbrook, New York. The organization is known for its advocacy of far-left economic policies such as a $15 minimum wage, higher taxes, and a guaranteed annual income for all Americans.
The Piper Fund is a campaign finance reform donor collaborative hosted by the Proteus Fund, a center-left funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit. The Piper Action Fund is the advocacy arm of the Piper Fund and is hosted by the 501(c)(4) Proteus Action League. Both the Piper Fund and
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is the world’s largest nongovernmental conservation organization and ranked 20th on the 2018 Forbes list of the 100 largest U.S.-based charities. 599
The National Wildlife Federation is one of the nation’s largest and highest-profile environmentalist organizations. In recent years, along with its associated NWF Action Fund advocacy organization, it has transitioned from being a conservation organization representing the interests of hunters and outdoor recreation enthusiasts into a left-leaning pressure group focused on